- class wpilib.SendableBuilderImpl
Implementation detail for SendableBuilder.
- addBooleanArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], list[int]], setter: Callable[[List[int]], None]) None
- addBooleanProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], bool], setter: Callable[[bool], None]) None
- addDoubleArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], list[float]], setter: Callable[[List[float]], None]) None
- addDoubleProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], float], setter: Callable[[float], None]) None
- addFloatArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], list[float]], setter: Callable[[List[float]], None]) None
- addFloatProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], float], setter: Callable[[float], None]) None
- addIntegerArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], list[int]], setter: Callable[[List[int]], None]) None
- addIntegerProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], int], setter: Callable[[int], None]) None
- addRawProperty(key: str, typeString: str, getter: Callable[[], list[int]], setter: Callable[[Buffer], None]) None
- addSmallBooleanArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[List[int]], List[int]], setter: Callable[[List[int]], None]) None
- addSmallDoubleArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[List[float]], List[float]], setter: Callable[[List[float]], None]) None
- addSmallFloatArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[List[float]], List[float]], setter: Callable[[List[float]], None]) None
- addSmallIntegerArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[List[int]], List[int]], setter: Callable[[List[int]], None]) None
- addSmallRawProperty(key: str, typeString: str, getter: Callable[[List[int]], Buffer], setter: Callable[[Buffer], None]) None
- addSmallStringArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[List[str]], List[str]], setter: Callable[[List[str]], None]) None
- addSmallStringProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[List[str]], str], setter: Callable[[str], None]) None
- addStringArrayProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], list[str]], setter: Callable[[List[str]], None]) None
- addStringProperty(key: str, getter: Callable[[], str], setter: Callable[[str], None]) None
- clearProperties() None
Clear properties.
- getTable() ntcore._ntcore.NetworkTable
Get the network table.
- Returns:
The network table
- getTopic(key: str) ntcore._ntcore.Topic
- isActuator() bool
Return whether this sendable should be treated as an actuator.
- Returns:
True if actuator, false if not.
- isPublished() bool
Return whether this sendable has an associated table.
- Returns:
True if it has a table, false if not.
- publishConstBoolean(key: str, value: bool) None
- publishConstBooleanArray(key: str, value: List[int]) None
- publishConstDouble(key: str, value: float) None
- publishConstDoubleArray(key: str, value: List[float]) None
- publishConstFloat(key: str, value: float) None
- publishConstFloatArray(key: str, value: List[float]) None
- publishConstInteger(key: str, value: int) None
- publishConstIntegerArray(key: str, value: List[int]) None
- publishConstRaw(key: str, typeString: str, value: Buffer) None
- publishConstString(key: str, value: str) None
- publishConstStringArray(key: str, value: List[str]) None
- setActuator(value: bool) None
- setSafeState(func: Callable[[], None]) None
- setSmartDashboardType(type: str) None
- setTable(table: ntcore._ntcore.NetworkTable) None
Set the network table. Must be called prior to any Add* functions being called.
- Parameters:
table – Network table
- setUpdateTable(func: Callable[[], None]) None
- startListeners() None
Hook setters for all properties.
- startLiveWindowMode() None
Start LiveWindow mode by hooking the setters for all properties. Also calls the SafeState function if one was provided.
- stopListeners() None
Unhook setters for all properties.
- stopLiveWindowMode() None
Stop LiveWindow mode by unhooking the setters for all properties. Also calls the SafeState function if one was provided.
- update() None
Synchronize with network table values by calling the getters for all properties and setters when the network table value has changed.