wpilib Package
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
ADXL345 Accelerometer on I2C. |
ADXL345 Accelerometer on SPI. |
ADXL362 SPI Accelerometer. |
Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. |
A class for driving addressable LEDs, such as WS2812B, WS2815, and NeoPixels. |
Persistent alert to be sent via NetworkTables. |
Handle operation of an analog accelerometer. |
Class for supporting continuous analog encoders, such as the US Digital MA3. |
Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. |
Analog input class. |
MXP analog output class. |
Class for reading analog potentiometers. |
Overloaded function. |
Class to represent a specific output from an analog trigger. |
Defines the state in which the AnalogTrigger triggers. |
Built-in accelerometer. |
High level class for interfacing with CAN devices conforming to the standard CAN spec. |
Provides a way to launch an out of process cscore-based camera service instance, for streaming or for image processing. |
Represents colors that can be used with Addressable LEDs. |
Represents colors that can be used with Addressable LEDs. |
Class for operating a compressor connected to a pneumatics module. |
Compressor config type. |
Class for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel. |
Digilent DMC 60 Motor Controller with PWM control. |
A wrapper around Driver Station control word. |
Centralized data log that provides automatic data log file management. |
Class to enable glitch filtering on a set of digital inputs. |
Class to read a digital input. |
Class to write to digital outputs. |
DigitalSource Interface. |
DoubleSolenoid class for running 2 channels of high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module. |
Provide access to the network communication data to / from the Driver Station. |
Class to read a duty cycle PWM input. |
Class for supporting duty cycle/PWM encoders, such as the US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder. |
Class to read quad encoders. |
2D representation of game field for dashboards. |
Game field object on a Field2d. |
I2C bus interface class. |
IterativeRobotBase implements a specific type of robot program framework, extending the RobotBase class. |
Luminary Micro / Vex Robotics Jaguar Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Handle input from standard Joysticks connected to the Driver Station. |
The LiveWindow class is the public interface for putting sensors and actuators on the LiveWindow. |
Visual 2D representation of arms, elevators, and general mechanisms through a node-based API. |
Ligament node on a Mechanism2d. |
Common base class for all Mechanism2d node types. |
Root Mechanism2d node. |
The Motor Safety feature acts as a watchdog timer for an individual motor. |
Nidec Brushless Motor. |
Create a Notifier for timer event notification. |
Handle input from PS4 controllers connected to the Driver Station. |
Handle input from PS5 controllers connected to the Driver Station. |
Class implements the PWM generation in the FPGA. |
Common base class for all PWM Motor Controllers. |
REV Robotics SPARK Flex Motor Controller with PWM control. |
REV Robotics SPARK MAX Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon FX Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon SRX Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Playing with Fusion Venom Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Victor SPX Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Module class for controlling a REV Robotics Pneumatic Hub. |
Base class for pneumatics devices. |
Module class for controlling a Cross The Road Electronics Pneumatics Control Module. |
Pneumatics module type. |
Class for getting voltage, current, temperature, power and energy from the CTRE Power Distribution Panel (PDP) or REV Power Distribution Hub (PDH). |
The preferences class provides a relatively simple way to save important values to the roboRIO to access the next time the roboRIO is booted. |
State for the radio led. |
Class for Spike style relay outputs. |
Implement a Robot Program framework. |
Robot state utility functions. |
Runtime type. |
Mindsensors SD540 Motor Controller with PWM control. |
SPI bus interface class. |
Implementation detail for SendableBuilder. |
The SendableChooser class is a useful tool for presenting a selection of options to the SmartDashboard. |
This class is a non-template base class for SendableChooser. |
Stores most recent status information as well as containing utility functions for checking channels and error processing. |
Driver for the RS-232 serial port on the roboRIO. |
Standard hobby style servo. |
Manually construct a SharpIR object. |
Solenoid class for running high voltage Digital Output on a pneumatics module. |
REV Robotics SPARK Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Handle input from Stadia controllers connected to the Driver Station. |
Class for handling synchronous (blocking) interrupts. |
Cross the Road Electronics (CTRE) Talon Motor Controller with PWM control. |
TimedRobot implements the IterativeRobotBase robot program framework. |
A timer class. |
TimesliceRobot extends the TimedRobot robot program framework to provide timeslice scheduling of periodic functions. |
A class for keeping track of how much time it takes for different parts of code to execute. |
Ultrasonic rangefinder class. |
Vex Robotics Victor 888 Motor Controller with PWM control. |
Vex Robotics Victor SP Motor Controller with PWM control. |
A class that's a wrapper around a watchdog timer. |
Handle input from Xbox controllers connected to the Driver Station. |