- class wpilib.SPI(port: wpilib._wpilib.SPI.Port)
SPI bus interface class.
This class is intended to be used by sensor (and other SPI device) drivers. It probably should not be used directly.
- Parameters:
port – the physical SPI port
- class Mode(value: int)
SPI mode.
kMode0 : Clock idle low, data sampled on rising edge.
kMode1 : Clock idle low, data sampled on falling edge.
kMode2 : Clock idle high, data sampled on falling edge.
kMode3 : Clock idle high, data sampled on rising edge.
- kMode0 = <Mode.kMode0: 0>
- kMode1 = <Mode.kMode1: 1>
- kMode2 = <Mode.kMode2: 2>
- kMode3 = <Mode.kMode3: 3>
- property name
- property value
- class Port(value: int)
SPI port.
kOnboardCS0 : Onboard SPI bus port CS0.
kOnboardCS1 : Onboard SPI bus port CS1.
kOnboardCS2 : Onboard SPI bus port CS2.
kOnboardCS3 : Onboard SPI bus port CS3.
kMXP : MXP (roboRIO MXP) SPI bus port.
- kMXP = <Port.kMXP: 4>
- kOnboardCS0 = <Port.kOnboardCS0: 0>
- kOnboardCS1 = <Port.kOnboardCS1: 1>
- kOnboardCS2 = <Port.kOnboardCS2: 2>
- kOnboardCS3 = <Port.kOnboardCS3: 3>
- property name
- property value
- configureAutoStall(port: hal._wpiHal.SPIPort, csToSclkTicks: int, stallTicks: int, pow2BytesPerRead: int) None
Configure the Auto SPI Stall time between reads.
- Parameters:
port – The number of the port to use. 0-3 for Onboard CS0-CS2, 4 for MXP.
csToSclkTicks – the number of ticks to wait before asserting the cs pin
stallTicks – the number of ticks to stall for
pow2BytesPerRead – the number of bytes to read before stalling
- forceAutoRead() None
Force the engine to make a single transfer.
- freeAccumulator() None
Frees the accumulator.
- freeAuto() None
Frees the automatic SPI transfer engine.
- getAccumulatorAverage() float
Read the average of the accumulated value.
- Returns:
The accumulated average value (value / count).
- getAccumulatorCount() int
Read the number of accumulated values.
Read the count of the accumulated values since the accumulator was last Reset().
- Returns:
The number of times samples from the channel were accumulated.
- getAccumulatorIntegratedAverage() float
Read the average of the integrated value. This is the sum of (each value times the time between values), divided by the count.
- Returns:
The average of the integrated value accumulated since the last Reset().
- getAccumulatorIntegratedValue() float
Read the integrated value. This is the sum of (each value * time between values).
- Returns:
The integrated value accumulated since the last Reset().
- getAccumulatorLastValue() int
Read the last value read by the accumulator engine.
- getAccumulatorOutput() tuple[int, int]
Read the accumulated value and the number of accumulated values atomically.
This function reads the value and count atomically. This can be used for averaging.
- Parameters:
value – Pointer to the 64-bit accumulated output.
count – Pointer to the number of accumulation cycles.
- getAccumulatorValue() int
Read the accumulated value.
- Returns:
The 64-bit value accumulated since the last Reset().
- getAutoDroppedCount() int
Get the number of bytes dropped by the automatic SPI transfer engine due to the receive buffer being full.
- Returns:
Number of bytes dropped
- getPort() wpilib._wpilib.SPI.Port
Returns the SPI port.
- Returns:
The SPI port.
- initAccumulator(period: wpimath.units.seconds, cmd: int, xferSize: int, validMask: int, validValue: int, dataShift: int, dataSize: int, isSigned: bool, bigEndian: bool) None
Initialize the accumulator.
- Parameters:
period – Time between reads
cmd – SPI command to send to request data
xferSize – SPI transfer size, in bytes
validMask – Mask to apply to received data for validity checking
validValue – After valid_mask is applied, required matching value for validity checking
dataShift – Bit shift to apply to received data to get actual data value
dataSize – Size (in bits) of data field
isSigned – Is data field signed?
bigEndian – Is device big endian?
- initAuto(bufferSize: int) None
Initialize automatic SPI transfer engine.
Only a single engine is available, and use of it blocks use of all other chip select usage on the same physical SPI port while it is running.
- Parameters:
bufferSize – buffer size in bytes
- read(initiate: bool, dataReceived: Buffer) int
Read a word from the receive FIFO.
Waits for the current transfer to complete if the receive FIFO is empty.
If the receive FIFO is empty, there is no active transfer, and initiate is false, errors.
- Parameters:
initiate – If true, this function pushes “0” into the transmit buffer and initiates a transfer. If false, this function assumes that data is already in the receive FIFO from a previous write.
dataReceived – Buffer to receive data from the device
size – The length of the transaction, in bytes
- readAutoReceivedData(buffer: Buffer, timeout: wpimath.units.seconds) int
Read data that has been transferred by the automatic SPI transfer engine.
Transfers may be made a byte at a time, so it’s necessary for the caller to handle cases where an entire transfer has not been completed.
Each received data sequence consists of a timestamp followed by the received data bytes, one byte per word (in the least significant byte). The length of each received data sequence is the same as the combined size of the data and zeroSize set in SetAutoTransmitData().
Blocks until numToRead words have been read or timeout expires. May be called with numToRead=0 to retrieve how many words are available.
- Parameters:
buffer – buffer where read words are stored
numToRead – number of words to read
timeout – timeout (ms resolution)
- Returns:
Number of words remaining to be read
- resetAccumulator() None
Resets the accumulator to zero.
- setAccumulatorCenter(center: int) None
Set the center value of the accumulator.
The center value is subtracted from each value before it is added to the accumulator. This is used for the center value of devices like gyros and accelerometers to make integration work and to take the device offset into account when integrating.
- setAccumulatorDeadband(deadband: int) None
Set the accumulator’s deadband.
- setAccumulatorIntegratedCenter(center: float) None
Set the center value of the accumulator integrator.
The center value is subtracted from each value*dt before it is added to the integrated value. This is used for the center value of devices like gyros and accelerometers to take the device offset into account when integrating.
- setAutoTransmitData(dataToSend: Buffer, zeroSize: int) None
Set the data to be transmitted by the engine.
Up to 16 bytes are configurable, and may be followed by up to 127 zero bytes.
- Parameters:
dataToSend – data to send (maximum 16 bytes)
zeroSize – number of zeros to send after the data
- setChipSelectActiveHigh() None
Configure the chip select line to be active high.
- setChipSelectActiveLow() None
Configure the chip select line to be active low.
- setClockRate(hz: int) None
Configure the rate of the generated clock signal.
The default value is 500,000Hz. The maximum value is 4,000,000Hz.
- Parameters:
hz – The clock rate in Hertz.
- setMode(mode: wpilib._wpilib.SPI.Mode) None
Sets the mode for the SPI device.
Mode 0 is Clock idle low, data sampled on rising edge
Mode 1 is Clock idle low, data sampled on falling edge
Mode 2 is Clock idle high, data sampled on falling edge
Mode 3 is Clock idle high, data sampled on rising edge
- Parameters:
mode – The mode to set.
- startAutoRate(period: wpimath.units.seconds) None
Start running the automatic SPI transfer engine at a periodic rate.
InitAuto() and SetAutoTransmitData() must be called before calling this function.
- Parameters:
period – period between transfers (us resolution)
- startAutoTrigger(source: wpilib._wpilib.DigitalSource, rising: bool, falling: bool) None
Start running the automatic SPI transfer engine when a trigger occurs.
InitAuto() and SetAutoTransmitData() must be called before calling this function.
- Parameters:
source – digital source for the trigger (may be an analog trigger)
rising – trigger on the rising edge
falling – trigger on the falling edge
- stopAuto() None
Stop running the automatic SPI transfer engine.
- transaction(dataToSend: Buffer, dataReceived: Buffer) int
Perform a simultaneous read/write transaction with the device
- Parameters:
dataToSend – The data to be written out to the device
dataReceived – Buffer to receive data from the device
size – The length of the transaction, in bytes
- write(data: Buffer) int
Write data to the peripheral device. Blocks until there is space in the output FIFO.
If not running in output only mode, also saves the data received on the CIPO input during the transfer into the receive FIFO.