- class wpilib.DigitalOutput(channel: int)
Class to write to digital outputs.
Write values to the digital output channels. Other devices implemented elsewhere will allocate channels automatically so for those devices it shouldn’t be done here.
Create an instance of a digital output.
Create a digital output given a channel.
- Parameters:
channel – The digital channel 0-9 are on-board, 10-25 are on the MXP port
- disablePWM() None
Change this line from a PWM output back to a static Digital Output line.
Free up one of the 6 DO PWM generator resources that were in use.
- enablePPS(dutyCycle: float) None
Enable a PWM PPS (Pulse Per Second) Output on this line.
Allocate one of the 6 DO PWM generator resources from this module.
Supply the duty-cycle to output.
The resolution of the duty cycle is 8-bit.
- Parameters:
dutyCycle – The duty-cycle to start generating. [0..1]
- enablePWM(initialDutyCycle: float) None
Enable a PWM Output on this line.
Allocate one of the 6 DO PWM generator resources from this module.
Supply the initial duty-cycle to output so as to avoid a glitch when first starting.
The resolution of the duty cycle is 8-bit for low frequencies (1kHz or less) but is reduced the higher the frequency of the PWM signal is.
- Parameters:
initialDutyCycle – The duty-cycle to start generating. [0..1]
- get() bool
Gets the value being output from the Digital Output.
- Returns:
the state of the digital output.
- getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting() wpilib._wpilib.AnalogTriggerType
- Returns:
The type of analog trigger output to be used. 0 for Digitals
- getChannel() int
- Returns:
The GPIO channel number that this object represents.
- getPortHandleForRouting() int
- Returns:
The HAL Handle to the specified source.
- initSendable(builder: wpiutil._wpiutil.SendableBuilder) None
- isAnalogTrigger() bool
Is source an AnalogTrigger
- isPulsing() bool
Determine if the pulse is still going.
Determine if a previously started pulse is still going.
- pulse(pulseLength: wpimath.units.seconds) None
Output a single pulse on the digital output line.
Send a single pulse on the digital output line where the pulse duration is specified in seconds. Maximum of 65535 microseconds.
- Parameters:
pulseLength – The pulse length in seconds
- set(value: bool) None
Set the value of a digital output.
Set the value of a digital output to either one (true) or zero (false).
- Parameters:
value – 1 (true) for high, 0 (false) for disabled
- setPWMRate(rate: float) None
Change the PWM frequency of the PWM output on a Digital Output line.
The valid range is from 0.6 Hz to 19 kHz. The frequency resolution is logarithmic.
There is only one PWM frequency for all digital channels.
- Parameters:
rate – The frequency to output all digital output PWM signals.
- setSimDevice(device: int) None
Indicates this output is used by a simulated device.
- Parameters:
device – simulated device handle
- updateDutyCycle(dutyCycle: float) None
Change the duty-cycle that is being generated on the line.
The resolution of the duty cycle is 8-bit for low frequencies (1kHz or less) but is reduced the higher the frequency of the PWM signal is.
- Parameters:
dutyCycle – The duty-cycle to change to. [0..1]