
class wpilib.LiveWindow

Bases: pybind11_object

The LiveWindow class is the public interface for putting sensors and actuators on the LiveWindow.

static disableAllTelemetry() None

Disable ALL telemetry.

static disableTelemetry(component: wpiutil._wpiutil.Sendable) None

Disable telemetry for a single component.


component – sendable

static enableAllTelemetry() None

Enable ALL telemetry.

static enableTelemetry(component: wpiutil._wpiutil.Sendable) None

Enable telemetry for a single component.


component – sendable

static isEnabled() bool

Returns true if LiveWindow is enabled.


True if LiveWindow is enabled.

static setDisabledCallback(func: Callable[[], None]) None

Sets function to be called when LiveWindow is disabled.


func – function (or nullptr for none)

static setEnabled(enabled: bool) None

Change the enabled status of LiveWindow.

If it changes to enabled, start livewindow running otherwise stop it

static setEnabledCallback(func: Callable[[], None]) None

Sets function to be called when LiveWindow is enabled.


func – function (or nullptr for none)

static updateValues() None

Tell all the sensors to update (send) their values.

Actuators are handled through callbacks on their value changing from the SmartDashboard widgets.