- class wpilib.Field2d
2D representation of game field for dashboards.
An object’s pose is the location shown on the dashboard view. Note that for the robot, this may or may not match the internal odometry. For example, if the robot is shown at a particular starting location, the pose in this class would represent the actual location on the field, but the robot’s internal state might have a 0,0,0 pose (unless it’s initialized to something different).
As the user is able to edit the pose, code performing updates should get the robot pose, transform it as appropriate (e.g. based on wheel odometry), and set the new pose.
This class provides methods to set the robot pose, but other objects can also be shown by using the GetObject() function. Other objects can also have multiple poses (which will show the object at multiple locations).
- getObject(name: str) wpilib._wpilib.FieldObject2d
Get or create a field object.
- Returns:
Field object
- getRobotObject() wpilib._wpilib.FieldObject2d
Get the robot object.
- Returns:
Field object for robot
- getRobotPose() wpimath.geometry._geometry.Pose2d
Get the robot pose.
- Returns:
2D pose
- initSendable(builder: ntcore._ntcore.NTSendableBuilder) None
- setRobotPose(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
setRobotPose(self: wpilib._wpilib.Field2d, pose: wpimath.geometry._geometry.Pose2d) -> None
Set the robot pose from a Pose object.
- Parameters:
pose – 2D pose
setRobotPose(self: wpilib._wpilib.Field2d, x: wpimath.units.meters, y: wpimath.units.meters, rotation: wpimath.geometry._geometry.Rotation2d) -> None
Set the robot pose from x, y, and rotation.
- Parameters:
x – X location
y – Y location
rotation – rotation