wpilib.simulation Package

wpilib.simulation functions


Class to control a simulated ADIS16448 IMU.


Class to control a simulated ADIS16470 IMU.

ADXL345Sim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated ADXL345.


Class to control a simulated ADXL362.


Class to control a simulated ADXRS450 gyroscope.

AddressableLEDSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated addressable LED.


Class to control a simulated analog encoder.

AnalogGyroSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated analog gyro.

AnalogInputSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated analog input.

AnalogOutputSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated analog output.


Class to control a simulated analog trigger.


A utility class to simulate the robot battery.

BuiltInAccelerometerSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated built-in accelerometer.

CTREPCMSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated Pneumatic Control Module (PCM).


Manages simulation callbacks; each object is associated with a callback.

DCMotorSim(plant, gearbox[, measurementStdDevs])

Represents a simulated DC motor mechanism.

DIOSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated digital input or output.

DifferentialDrivetrainSim(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.


Class to control a simulated digital PWM output.

DoubleSolenoidSim(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.


Class to control a simulated driver station.

DutyCycleEncoderSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated duty cycle encoder.


Class to control a simulated duty cycle digital input.

ElevatorSim(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a simulated elevator mechanism.


Class to control a simulated encoder.

FlywheelSim(plant, gearbox[, measurementStdDevs])

Represents a simulated flywheel mechanism.

GenericHIDSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated generic joystick.

JoystickSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated joystick.

LinearSystemSim_1_1_1(system[, ...])

This class helps simulate linear systems.

LinearSystemSim_1_1_2(system[, ...])

This class helps simulate linear systems.

LinearSystemSim_2_1_1(system[, ...])

This class helps simulate linear systems.

LinearSystemSim_2_1_2(system[, ...])

This class helps simulate linear systems.

LinearSystemSim_2_2_1(system[, ...])

This class helps simulate linear systems.

LinearSystemSim_2_2_2(system[, ...])

This class helps simulate linear systems.

PS4ControllerSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated PS4 controller.

PS5ControllerSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated PS5 controller.

PWMSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated PWM output.

PneumaticsBaseSim(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

PowerDistributionSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated Power Distribution Panel (PowerDistribution).

REVPHSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated Pneumatic Control Module (PCM).

RelaySim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated relay.


A utility class to control a simulated RoboRIO.


Construct a new simulation object.

SendableChooserSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class that facilitates control of a SendableChooser's selected option in simulation.

SharpIRSim(*args, **kwargs)

Simulation class for Sharp IR sensors.

SimDeviceSim(*args, **kwargs)

Interact with a generic simulated device

SingleJointedArmSim(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a simulated arm mechanism.

SolenoidSim(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

StadiaControllerSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated Stadia controller.

UltrasonicSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated Ultrasonic.

XboxControllerSim(*args, **kwargs)

Class to control a simulated Xbox controller.