- class wpilib.DigitalInput(channel: int)
Class to read a digital input.
This class will read digital inputs and return the current value on the channel. Other devices such as encoders, gear tooth sensors, etc. that are implemented elsewhere will automatically allocate digital inputs and outputs as required. This class is only for devices like switches etc. that aren’t implemented anywhere else.
Create an instance of a Digital Input class.
Creates a digital input given a channel.
- Parameters:
channel – The DIO channel 0-9 are on-board, 10-25 are on the MXP port
- get() bool
Get the value from a digital input channel.
Retrieve the value of a single digital input channel from the FPGA.
- getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting() wpilib._wpilib.AnalogTriggerType
- Returns:
The type of analog trigger output to be used. 0 for Digitals
- getChannel() int
- Returns:
The GPIO channel number that this object represents.
- getPortHandleForRouting() int
- Returns:
The HAL Handle to the specified source.
- initSendable(builder: wpiutil._wpiutil.SendableBuilder) None
- isAnalogTrigger() bool
Is source an AnalogTrigger
- setSimDevice(device: int) None
Indicates this input is used by a simulated device.
- Parameters:
device – simulated device handle