
class commands1.PIDAnalogGyro(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDSource, wpilib._wpilib.AnalogGyro

Wrapper so that PIDSource is implemented for AnalogGyro for old PIDController

This class is provided by the OldCommands VendorDep


Use frc2::PIDController class instead which doesn’t require this wrapper.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDAnalogGyro, arg0: int) -> None

  2. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDAnalogGyro, arg0: wpilib._wpilib.AnalogInput) -> None

  3. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDAnalogGyro, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> None

  4. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDAnalogGyro, arg0: wpilib._wpilib.AnalogInput, arg1: int, arg2: float) -> None

PIDGet() float

Get the PIDOutput for the PIDSource base object. Can be set to return angle or rate using SetPIDSourceType(). Defaults to angle.


The PIDOutput (angle or rate, defaults to angle)