
class commands1.PIDAnalogAccelerometer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDSource, wpilib._wpilib.AnalogAccelerometer

Wrapper so that PIDSource is implemented for AnalogAccelerometer for old PIDController

This class is provided by the OldCommands VendorDep


Use frc2::PIDController class instead which doesn’t require this wrapper.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDAnalogAccelerometer, arg0: int) -> None

  2. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDAnalogAccelerometer, arg0: wpilib._wpilib.AnalogInput) -> None

PIDGet() float

Get the Acceleration for the PID Source parent.


The current acceleration in Gs.