
class commands1.PIDController(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDBase

Class implements a PID Control Loop.

Creates a separate thread which reads the given PIDSource and takes care of the integral calculations, as well as writing the given PIDOutput.

This feedback controller runs in discrete time, so time deltas are not used in the integral and derivative calculations. Therefore, the sample rate affects the controller’s behavior for a given set of PID constants.

This class is provided by the OldCommands VendorDep


Use frc2::PIDController class instead.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDController, p: float, i: float, d: float, source: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDSource, output: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDOutput, period: float = 0.05) -> None

  2. __init__(self: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDController, p: float, i: float, d: float, f: float, source: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDSource, output: commands1._impl._commands_v1.command.PIDOutput, period: float = 0.05) -> None

disable() None

Stop running the PIDController, this sets the output to zero before stopping.

enable() None

Begin running the PIDController.

initSendable(builder: wpiutil._wpiutil.SendableBuilder) None
isEnabled() bool

Return true if PIDController is enabled.

reset() None

Reset the previous error, the integral term, and disable the controller.

setEnabled(enable: bool) None

Set the enabled state of the PIDController.