
class phoenix5.sensors.PigeonIMU(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BasePigeon

Pigeon IMU Class. Class supports communicating over CANbus and over ribbon-cable (CAN Talon SRX).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU, deviceNumber: int) -> None

Create a Pigeon object that communicates with Pigeon on CAN Bus.


deviceNumber – CAN Device Id of Pigeon [0,62]

  1. __init__(self: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU, talonSrx: phoenix5._ctre.TalonSRX) -> None

Create a Pigeon object that communciates with Pigeon through the Gadgeteer ribbon cable connected to a Talon on CAN Bus.


talonSrx – Object for the TalonSRX connected via ribbon cable.

class CalibrationMode(value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

Various calibration modes supported by Pigeon.

Note that you can instead use Phoenix Tuner to accomplish certain calibrations.


BootTareGyroAccel : Boot-Calibrate the pigeon

Temperature : Temperature-Calibrate the pigeon

Magnetometer12Pt : Magnetometer-Calibrate the pigeon using the 12pt process

Magnetometer360 : Magnetometer-Calibrate the pigeon using 360 turns

Accelerometer : Calibrate the pigeon accelerometer

Accelerometer = <CalibrationMode.Accelerometer: 5>
BootTareGyroAccel = <CalibrationMode.BootTareGyroAccel: 0>
Magnetometer12Pt = <CalibrationMode.Magnetometer12Pt: 2>
Magnetometer360 = <CalibrationMode.Magnetometer360: 3>
Temperature = <CalibrationMode.Temperature: 1>
property name
property value
class FusionStatus

Bases: pybind11_object

Data object for holding fusion information.

property bIsFusing

Whether the pigeon is fusing

property bIsValid

Whether the fusion is valid

property description

Description of fusion status

property heading

Fused Heading

property lastError

Same as GetLastError()

class GeneralStatus

Bases: pybind11_object

Data object for status on current calibration and general status.

Pigeon has many calibration modes supported for a variety of uses. The modes generally collects and saves persistently information that makes the Pigeon signals more accurate. This includes collecting temperature, gyro, accelerometer, and compass information.

For FRC use-cases, typically compass and temperature calibration is not required.

Additionally when motion driver software in the Pigeon boots, it will perform a fast boot calibration to initially bias gyro and setup accelerometer.

These modes can be enabled with the EnterCalibration mode.

When a calibration mode is entered, caller can expect…

  • PigeonState to reset to Initializing and bCalIsBooting is set to true. Pigeon LEDs will blink the boot pattern.

This is similar to the normal boot cal, however it can an additional ~30 seconds since calibration generally requires more information. currentMode will reflect the user’s selected calibration mode.

  • PigeonState will eventually settle to UserCalibration and Pigeon LEDs will show cal specific blink patterns.

bCalIsBooting is now false.

  • Follow the instructions in the Pigeon User Manual to meet the calibration specific requirements.

When finished calibrationError will update with the result. Pigeon will solid-fill LEDs with red (for failure) or green (for success) for ~5 seconds. Pigeon then perform boot-cal to cleanly apply the newly saved calibration data.

property bCalIsBooting

After caller requests a calibration mode, pigeon will perform a boot-cal before entering the requested mode. During this period, this flag is set to true.

property calibrationError

The error code for the last calibration mode. Zero represents a successful cal (with solid green LEDs at end of cal) and nonzero is a failed calibration (with solid red LEDs at end of cal). Different calibration

property currentMode

The currently applied calibration mode if state is in UserCalibration or if bCalIsBooting is true. Otherwise it holds the last selected calibration mode (when calibrationError was updated).

property description

general string description of current status

property lastError

Same as GetLastError()

property noMotionBiasCount

Number of times the Pigeon has automatically rebiased the gyro. This counter overflows from 15 -> 0 with no cap.

property state

The current state of the motion driver. This reflects if the sensor signals are accurate. Most calibration modes will force Pigeon to reinit the motion driver.

property tempC

Temperature in Celsius

property tempCompensationCount

Number of times the Pigeon has temperature compensated the various signals. This counter overflows from 15 -> 0 with no cap.

property upTimeSec

Number of seconds Pigeon has been up (since boot). This register is reset on power boot or processor reset. Register is capped at 255 seconds with no wrap around.

class PigeonState(value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

Overall state of the Pigeon.


NoComm : No communications with Pigeon

Initializing : Pigeon is initializing

Ready : Pigeon is ready

UserCalibration : Pigeon is calibrating due to user

Initializing = <PigeonState.Initializing: 1>
NoComm = <PigeonState.NoComm: 0>
Ready = <PigeonState.Ready: 2>
UserCalibration = <PigeonState.UserCalibration: 3>
property name
property value
addFusedHeading(angleDeg: float, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Atomically add to the Fused Heading register.

  • angleDeg – Degrees to add to the Fused Heading register.

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

clearStickyFaults(timeoutMs: int = 0) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Clears the Sticky Faults


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

configAllSettings(allConfigs: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMUConfiguration, timeoutMs: int = 50) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Configures all persistent settings.

  • allConfigs – Object with all of the persistant settings

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

configFactoryDefault(timeoutMs: int = 50) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Configures all persistent settings to defaults.


timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

configSetCustomParam(newValue: int, paramIndex: int, timeoutMs: int = 0) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Sets the value of a custom parameter. This is for arbitrary use.

Sometimes it is necessary to save calibration/declination/offset information in the device. Particularly if the device is part of a subsystem that can be replaced.

  • newValue – Value for custom parameter.

  • paramIndex – Index of custom parameter. [0-1]

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

enterCalibrationMode(calMode: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU.CalibrationMode, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Enters the Calbration mode. See the Pigeon IMU documentation for More information on Calibration.

Note that you can instead use Phoenix Tuner to accomplish this. Note you should NOT be calling this during normal robot operation.

  • calMode – Calibration to execute

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

getAccelerometerAngles() tuple[int, Annotated[list[float], FixedSize(3)]]

Get Accelerometer tilt angles.


tiltAngles – Array to fill with x[0], y[1], and z[2] angles in degrees.


The last ErrorCode generated.

getAllConfigs(allConfigs: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMUConfiguration, timeoutMs: int = 50) None

Gets all persistant settings.

  • allConfigs – Object with all of the persistant settings

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.

getFaults(toFill: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU_Faults) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Gets the fault status


toFill – Container for fault statuses.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

getFirmwareVersion() int

Gets the firmware version of the device.


param holds the firmware version of the device. Device must be powered cycled at least once.

getFusedHeading(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getFusedHeading(self: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU, status: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU.FusionStatus) -> float

Get the current Fusion Status (including fused heading)


status – object reference to fill with fusion status flags. * Caller may pass null if flags are not needed.


The fused heading in degrees.

  1. getFusedHeading(self: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU) -> float

Gets the Fused Heading


The fused heading in degrees.

getGeneralStatus(statusToFill: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU.GeneralStatus) int

Get the status of the current (or previousley complete) calibration.


out – statusToFill Container for the status information.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

getResetCount() int

number of times Pigeon Reset

getResetFlags() int

Reset flags for Pigeon

getState() phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU.PigeonState

Gets the current Pigeon state


PigeonState enum

getStatusFramePeriod(frame: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU_StatusFrame, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Gets the period of the given status frame.

  • frame – Frame to get the period of.

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Period of the given status frame.

getStickyFaults(toFill: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU_StickyFaults) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Gets the sticky fault status


toFill – Container for sticky fault statuses.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setCompassAngle(angleDeg: float, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Sets the compass angle. Although compass is absolute [0,360) degrees, the continuous compass register holds the wrap-arounds.

  • angleDeg – Degrees to set continuous compass angle to.

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setCompassDeclination(angleDegOffset: float, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Set the declination for compass. Declination is the difference between Earth Magnetic north, and the geographic “True North”.

  • angleDegOffset – Degrees to set Compass Declination to.

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setControlFramePeriod(frame: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU_ControlFrame, periodMs: int) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Sets the period of the given control frame.

  • frame – Frame whose period is to be changed.

  • periodMs – Period in ms for the given frame.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setFusedHeading(angleDeg: float, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Sets the Fused Heading to the specified value.

  • angleDeg – New fused-heading in degrees [+/- 23,040 degrees]

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setFusedHeadingToCompass(timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Sets the Fused Heading register to match the current compass value.


timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setStatusFramePeriod(statusFrame: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU_StatusFrame, periodMs: int, timeoutMs: int = 0) phoenix5._ctre.ErrorCode

Sets the period of the given status frame.

  • statusFrame – Frame whose period is to be changed.

  • periodMs – Period in ms for the given frame.

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

setTemperatureCompensationDisable(bTempCompDisable: bool, timeoutMs: int = 0) int

Disable/Enable Temp compensation. Pigeon has this on/False at boot.

  • bTempCompDisable – Set to “False” to enable temperature compensation.

  • timeoutMs – Timeout value in ms. If nonzero, function will wait for config success and report an error if it times out. If zero, no blocking or checking is performed.


Error Code generated by function. 0 indicates no error.

static toString(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. toString(state: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU.PigeonState) -> str

Gets the string representation of a PigeonState


state – PigeonState to get the string representation of


string representation of specified PigeonState

  1. toString(cm: phoenix5._ctre.sensors.PigeonIMU.CalibrationMode) -> str

Gets the string representation of a CalibrationMode


cm – CalibrationMode to get the string representation of


string representation of specified CalibrationMode