phoenix5.led Package

Animation(idx, speed, numLed, ledOffset)

The base class for all animations that CANdle supports.

BaseStandardAnimation(idx, brightness, ...)

The base class for one generic type of animation.

BaseTwoSizeAnimation(idx, r, g, b, w, speed, ...)

The base class for one generic type of animation.

CANdle(deviceId[, canbus])



Configurables available to CANdle


Enumerated type for status frame types.

CANdleFaults(*args, **kwargs)

Faults available to CANdle (Currently has none)


Enumerated type for status frame types.

CANdleStickyFaults(*args, **kwargs)

Faults available to CANdle (Currently has none)

ColorFlowAnimation(r, g, b, w, speed, ...)

Animation that gradually lights the entire LED strip one LED at a time.

FireAnimation([brightness, speed, numLed, ...])

Animation that looks similarly to a flame flickering


The various LED types that the CANdle can support

LarsonAnimation(r, g, b, w, speed, numLed, ...)

Animation that sends a pocket of light across the LED strip.

RainbowAnimation([brightness, speed, ...])

Animation that creates a rainbow throughout all the LEDs

RgbFadeAnimation([brightness, speed, ...])

Animation that fades all the LEDs of a strip simultaneously between Red, Green, and Blue

SingleFadeAnimation(r, g, b[, w, speed, ...])

Animation that fades into and out of a specified color

StrobeAnimation(r, g, b[, w, speed, numLed, ...])

Animation that strobes the LEDs a specified color

TwinkleAnimation(r, g, b, w, speed, numLed, ...)

Animation that randomly turns LEDs on and off to a certain color

TwinkleOffAnimation(r, g, b, w, speed, ...)

Animation that randomly turns on LEDs, until it reaches the maximum count and turns them all off


The various methods of managing the VBat output behavior