
class wpimath.trajectory.constraint.TrajectoryConstraint

Bases: pybind11_object

An interface for defining user-defined velocity and acceleration constraints while generating trajectories.

class MinMax

Bases: pybind11_object

Represents a minimum and maximum acceleration.

property maxAcceleration wpimath.units.meters_per_second_squared

The maximum acceleration.

property minAcceleration wpimath.units.meters_per_second_squared

The minimum acceleration.

maxVelocity(pose: wpimath.geometry._geometry.Pose2d, curvature: wpimath.units.radians_per_meter, velocity: wpimath.units.meters_per_second) wpimath.units.meters_per_second

Returns the max velocity given the current pose and curvature.

  • pose – The pose at the current point in the trajectory.

  • curvature – The curvature at the current point in the trajectory.

  • velocity – The velocity at the current point in the trajectory before constraints are applied.


The absolute maximum velocity.

minMaxAcceleration(pose: wpimath.geometry._geometry.Pose2d, curvature: wpimath.units.radians_per_meter, speed: wpimath.units.meters_per_second) wpimath._controls._controls.constraint.TrajectoryConstraint.MinMax

Returns the minimum and maximum allowable acceleration for the trajectory given pose, curvature, and speed.

  • pose – The pose at the current point in the trajectory.

  • curvature – The curvature at the current point in the trajectory.

  • speed – The speed at the current point in the trajectory.


The min and max acceleration bounds.