photonvision Package



Packet(*args, **kwargs)

A packet that holds byte-packed data to be sent over NetworkTables.

PhotonCamera(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a camera that is connected to PhotonVision.ß

PhotonPipelineResult(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a pipeline result from a PhotonCamera.

PhotonPoseEstimator(aprilTags, strategy, ...)

The PhotonPoseEstimator class filters or combines readings from all the fiducials visible at a given timestamp on the field to produce a single robot in field pose, using the strategy set below.

PhotonTrackedTarget(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a tracked target within a pipeline.




RobotPoseEstimator(aprilTags, strategy, cameras)

The RobotPoseEstimator class filters or combines readings from all the fiducials visible at a given timestamp on the field to produce a single robot in field pose, using the strategy set below.

SimPhotonCamera(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

SimVisionSystem(camName, camDiagFOV, ...)

Create a simulated vision system involving a camera and coprocessor mounted on a mobile robot running PhotonVision, detecting one or more targets scattered around the field.

SimVisionTarget(targetPose, targetWidth, ...)

Describes a vision target located somewhere on the field that your SimVisionSystem can detect.