
class romi.RomiGyro

Bases: pybind11_object

Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position.

This class is for the Romi onboard gyro, and will only work in simulation/Romi mode. Only one instance of a RomiGyro is supported.

getAngle() float

Return the actual angle in degrees that the robot is currently facing.

The angle is based on integration of the returned rate form the gyro. The angle is continuous, that is, it will continue from 360->361 degrees. This allows algorithms that wouldn’t want to see a discontinuity in the gyro output as it sweeps from 360 to 0 on the second time around.


the current heading of the robot in degrees.

getAngleX() float

Gets the currently reported angle around the X-axis

getAngleY() float

Gets the currently reported angle around the X-axis

getAngleZ() float

Gets the currently reported angle around the X-axis

getRate() float

Return the rate of rotation of the gyro

The rate is based on the most recent reading of the gyro.


the current rate in degrees per second

getRateX() float

Gets the rate of turn in degrees-per-second around the X-axis

getRateY() float

Gets the rate of turn in degrees-per-second around the Y-axis

getRateZ() float

Gets the rate of turn in degrees-per-second around the Z-axis

reset() None

Resets the gyro