
class wpiutil.wpistruct.StructDescriptor(typeString: str, schema: str, size: int, pack: Callable[[Any], bytes], packInto: Callable[[Any, bytearray], None], unpack: Callable[[bytearray], Any], forEachNested: Callable[[Callable[[str, str], None]], None] | None)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

To define a type in python that can use the wpilib serialization, the type must have an attribute WPIStruct that contains this class (but C++ classes do not have this).

It is not intended that you should create this class directly, something else should generate it for you.

See wpiutil.wpistruct.make_wpistruct() for a easy to use mechanism for defining custom structs using a dataclass.

Create new instance of StructDescriptor(typeString, schema, size, pack, packInto, unpack, forEachNested)

forEachNested: Callable[[Callable[[str, str], None]], None] | None

If this contains nested structs, calls wpiutil.wpistruct.forEachNested for each

pack: Callable[[Any], bytes]

A function that converts the type to bytes

packInto: Callable[[Any, bytearray], None]

A function that converts the type to bytes

schema: str

The struct schema

size: int

Size in bytes of binary representation of this struct

typeString: str

The type string

unpack: Callable[[bytearray], Any]

A function that converts bytes to an instance