Source code for pyfrc.physics.visionsim

    The 'vision simulator' provides objects that assist in modeling inputs
    from a camera processing system.

import collections
import math

inf = float("inf")
twopi = math.pi * 2.0

def _in_angle_interval(x, a, b):
    return (x - a) % twopi <= (b - a) % twopi

[docs] class VisionSimTarget: """ Target object that you pass the to the constructor of :class:`.VisionSim` """ def __init__(self, x, y, view_angle_start, view_angle_end): """ :param x: Target x position :param y: Target y position :param view_angle_start: :param view_angle_end: clockwise from start angle View angle is defined in degrees from 0 to 360, with 0 = east, increasing clockwise. So, if the robot could only see the target from the south east side, you would use a view angle of start=0, end=90. """ self.x = x self.y = y self.view_angle_start = math.radians(view_angle_start) self.view_angle_end = math.radians(view_angle_end) def compute(self, now, x, y, angle): # incoming angle must be normalized to -180,180 (done in VisionSim) # note: the position tracking of the robot has Y incrementing # positively downwards, presumably because it's convenient for # drawing stuff. Not what I had expected. # compute target distance dx = self.x - x dy = self.y - y distance = math.hypot(dx, dy) # at the right distance? if distance < self.view_dst_start or distance > self.view_dst_end: return # determine the absolute angle of the target relative to the robot target_angle = math.atan2(dy, dx) # in the view range? if not _in_angle_interval( target_angle + math.pi, self.view_angle_start, self.view_angle_end ): return # is the robot facing the target? a = angle - self.fov2 b = angle + self.fov2 if _in_angle_interval(target_angle + math.pi, a + math.pi, b + math.pi): offset = math.degrees( (((target_angle - angle) + math.pi) % (math.pi * 2)) - math.pi ) return (1, now, offset, distance)
[docs] class VisionSim: """ This helper object is designed to help you simulate input from a vision system. The algorithm is a very simple approximation and has some weaknesses, but it should be a good start and general enough to work for many different usages. There are a few assumptions that this makes: - Your camera code sends new data at a constant frequency - The data from the camera lags behind at a fixed latency - If the camera is too close, the target cannot be seen - If the camera is too far, the target cannot be seen - You can only 'see' the target when the 'front' of the robot is around particular angles to the target - The camera is in the center of your robot (this simplifies some things, maybe fix this in the future...) To use this, create an instance in your physics simulator:: targets = [ VisionSim.Target(...) ] Then call the :meth:`compute` method from your ``update_sim`` method whenever your camera processing is enabled:: # in physics engine update_sim() x, y, angle = self.physics_controller.get_position() if self.camera_enabled: data = self.vision_sim.compute(now, x, y, angle) if data is not None: self.nt.putNumberArray('/camera/target', data[0]) else: self.vision_sim.dont_compute() .. note:: There is a working example in the examples repository you can use to try this functionality out """ Target = VisionSimTarget def __init__( self, targets, camera_fov, view_dst_start, view_dst_end, data_frequency=15, data_lag=0.050, physics_controller=None, ): """ There are a lot of constructor parameters: :param targets: List of target positions (x, y) on field in feet :param view_angle_start: Center angle that the robot can 'see' the target from (in degrees) :param camera_fov: Field of view of camera (in degrees) :param view_dst_start: If the robot is closer than this, the target cannot be seen :param view_dst_end: If the robot is farther than this, the target cannot be seen :param data_frequency: How often the camera transmits new coordinates :param data_lag: How long it takes for the camera data to be processed and make it to the robot :param physics_controller: If set, will draw target information in UI """ fov2 = math.radians(camera_fov / 2.0) self.distance = 0 self.update_period = 1.0 / data_frequency self.data_lag = data_lag self.last_compute_time = -10 self.send_queue = collections.deque() self.targets = targets assert view_dst_start < view_dst_end assert self.data_lag > 0.001 # objects = [] # if physics_controller: # objects = physics_controller.config_obj["pyfrc"]["field"]["objects"] for target in targets: target.camera_fov = camera_fov target.view_dst_start = view_dst_start target.view_dst_end = view_dst_end target.fov2 = fov2 # objects.append( # {"color": "red", "rect": [target.x - 0.1, target.y - 0.1, 0.4, 0.4]} # )
[docs] def dont_compute(self): """ Call this when vision processing should be disabled """ self.send_queue.clear()
[docs] def get_immediate_distance(self): """ Use this data to feed to a sensor that is mostly instantaneous (such as an ultrasonic sensor). .. note:: You must call :meth:`compute` first. """ return self.distance
[docs] def compute(self, now, x, y, angle): """ Call this when vision processing should be enabled :param now: The value passed to ``update_sim`` :param x: Returned from physics_controller.get_position :param y: Returned from physics_controller.get_position :param angle: Returned from physics_controller.get_position :returns: None or list of tuples of (found=0 or 1, capture_time, offset_degrees, distance). The tuples are ordered by absolute offset from the target. If a list is returned, it is guaranteed to have at least one element in it. Note: If your vision targeting doesn't have the ability to focus on multiple targets, then you should ignore the other elements. """ # Normalize angle to [-180,180] output = [] angle = ((angle + math.pi) % (math.pi * 2)) - math.pi for target in self.targets: proposed = target.compute(now, x, y, angle) if proposed: output.append(proposed) if not output: output.append((0, now, inf, 0)) self.distance = None else: # order by absolute offset output.sort(key=lambda i: abs(i[2])) self.distance = output[-1][3] # Only store stuff every once in awhile if now - self.last_compute_time > self.update_period: self.last_compute_time = now self.send_queue.appendleft(output) # simulate latency by delaying camera output if self.send_queue: output = self.send_queue[-1] if now - output[0][1] > self.data_lag: return self.send_queue.pop()