
class phoenix5.BaseMotorControllerConfiguration

Bases: CustomParamConfiguration

Configurables available to base motor controllers

property auxPIDPolarity

PID polarity inversion

Standard Polarity: Primary Output = PID0 + PID1, Auxiliary Output = PID0 - PID1,

Inverted Polarity: Primary Output = PID0 - PID1, Auxiliary Output = PID0 + PID1,

property clearPositionOnLimitF

Clear the position on forward limit

property clearPositionOnLimitR

Clear the position on reverse limit

property clearPositionOnQuadIdx

Clear the position on index

property closedloopRamp

Seconds to go from 0 to full in closed loop

property feedbackNotContinuous

Determine whether feedback sensor is continuous or not

property forwardSoftLimitEnable

Enable forward soft limit

property forwardSoftLimitThreshold

Threshold for soft limits in forward direction (in raw sensor units)

property limitSwitchDisableNeutralOnLOS

Disable neutral’ing the motor when remote limit switch is lost on CAN bus

property motionAcceleration

Motion Magic acceleration in (raw sensor units per 100 ms) per second.

property motionCruiseVelocity

Motion Magic cruise velocity in raw sensor units per 100 ms.

property motionCurveStrength

Zero to use trapezoidal motion during motion magic. [1,8] for S-Curve, higher value for greater smoothing.

property motionProfileTrajectoryPeriod

Motion profile base trajectory period in milliseconds.

The period specified in a trajectory point will be added on to this value

property neutralDeadband

Neutral deadband [0.001, 0.25]

property nominalOutputForward

Nominal/Minimum output in forward direction [0,1]

property nominalOutputReverse

Nominal/Minimum output in reverse direction [-1,0]

property openloopRamp

Seconds to go from 0 to full in open loop

property peakOutputForward

Peak output in forward direction [0,1]

property peakOutputReverse

Peak output in reverse direction [-1,0]

property pulseWidthPeriod_EdgesPerRot

Number of edges per rotation for a tachometer sensor

property pulseWidthPeriod_FilterWindowSz

Desired window size for a tachometer sensor

property remoteFilter0

Configuration for RemoteFilter 0

property remoteFilter1

Configuration for RemoteFilter 1

property remoteSensorClosedLoopDisableNeutralOnLOS

Disable neutral’ing the motor when remote sensor is lost on CAN bus

property reverseSoftLimitEnable

Enable reverse soft limit

property reverseSoftLimitThreshold

Threshold for soft limits in reverse direction (in raw sensor units)

property slot0

Configuration for slot 0

property slot1

Configuration for slot 1

property slot2

Configuration for slot 2

property slot3

Configuration for slot 3

property softLimitDisableNeutralOnLOS

Disable neutral’ing the motor when remote soft limit is lost on CAN bus

toString(prependString: str) str

prependString – String to prepend to configs


String representation of configs

property trajectoryInterpolationEnable

Enable motion profile trajectory point interpolation (defaults to true).

property velocityMeasurementPeriod

Desired period for velocity measurement

property velocityMeasurementWindow

Desired window for velocity measurement

property voltageCompSaturation

This is the max voltage to apply to the hbridge when voltage compensation is enabled. For example, if 10 (volts) is specified and a TalonSRX is commanded to 0.5 (PercentOutput, closed-loop, etc) then the TalonSRX will attempt to apply a duty-cycle to produce 5V.

property voltageMeasurementFilter

Number of samples in rolling average for voltage