Source code for robotpy_ext.autonomous.selector

import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
from glob import glob
from typing import Callable, Union
from import Sequence

import hal
import wpilib

from ..misc.precise_delay import NotifierDelay
from ..misc.simple_watchdog import SimpleWatchdog

logger = logging.getLogger("autonomous")

[docs] class AutonomousModeSelector: """ This object loads all modules in a specified python package, and tries to automatically discover autonomous modes from them. Each module is added to a ``SendableChooser`` object, which allows the user to select one of them via SmartDashboard. Autonomous mode objects must implement the following functions: - ``on_enable`` - Called when autonomous mode is initially enabled - ``on_disable`` - Called when autonomous mode is no longer active - ``on_iteration`` - Called for each iteration of the autonomous control loop Your autonomous object may have the following attributes: - ``MODE_NAME`` - The name of the autonomous mode to display to users - ``DISABLED`` - If True, don't allow this mode to be selected - ``DEFAULT`` - If True, this is the default autonomous mode selected Here is an example of using ``AutonomousModeSelector`` in ``TimedRobot``: .. code-block:: python class MyRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot): def robotInit(self): self.automodes = AutonomousModeSelector('autonomous') def autonomousInit(self): self.automodes.start() def autonomousPeriodic(self): self.automodes.periodic() def disabledInit(self): self.automodes.disable() If you use AutonomousModeSelector, you may also be interested in the autonomous state machine helper (:class:`.StatefulAutonomous`). Check out the samples in our github repository that show some basic usage of ``AutonomousModeSelector``. .. note:: If you use AutonomousModeSelector, then you should add ``robotpy_ext.autonomous.selector_tests`` to your pyfrc unit tests like so:: from robotpy_ext.autonomous.selector_tests import * .. note:: For your autonomous mode's ``on_disable`` method to be called, you must call :meth:`disable` in ``disabledInit``. It is okay to not call :meth:`disable` if you do not need ``on_disable``. """ def __init__(self, autonomous_pkgname, *args, **kwargs): """ :param autonomous_pkgname: Module to load autonomous modes from :param args: Args to pass to created autonomous modes :param kwargs: Keyword args to pass to created autonomous modes """ self.modes = {} self.active_mode = None self.robot_exit = False"Begin initializing autonomous mode switcher") # load all modules in specified module modules = [] try: autonomous_pkg = importlib.import_module(autonomous_pkgname) except ImportError as e: if not in [autonomous_pkgname, autonomous_pkgname.split(".")[0]]: raise # Don't kill the robot because they didn't create an autonomous package logger.warning("Cannot load the '%s' package", autonomous_pkgname) else: pkgdirs = [] pkgfile = getattr(autonomous_pkg, "__file__", None) if pkgfile: pkgdirs = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pkgfile))] else: # implicit packages have no __file__, just __path__ pkgpath = getattr(autonomous_pkg, "__path__", None) if pkgpath: pkgdirs = list(set(pkgpath)) if pkgdirs: for pkgdir in pkgdirs: modules.extend(glob(os.path.join(pkgdir, "*.py"))) for module_filename in modules: module = None module_name = os.path.basename(module_filename[:-3]) if module_name in ["__init__"]: continue try: module = importlib.import_module("." + module_name, autonomous_pkgname) # module = imp.load_source('.' + module_name, module_filename) except: if not wpilib.DriverStation.isFMSAttached(): raise # # Find autonomous mode classes in the modules that are present # -> note that we actually create the instance of the objects here, # so that way we find out about any errors *before* we get out # on the field.. for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass): mode_name = getattr(obj, "MODE_NAME", None) if mode_name is not None: # don't allow the driver to select this mode if getattr(obj, "DISABLED", False): logger.warning( "autonomous mode %s is marked as disabled", obj.MODE_NAME ) continue try: instance = obj(*args, **kwargs) except: if not wpilib.DriverStation.isFMSAttached(): raise else: continue if mode_name in self.modes: if not wpilib.DriverStation.isFMSAttached(): raise RuntimeError( f"Duplicate name {mode_name} in {module_filename}" ) logger.error( "Duplicate name %s specified by object type %s in module %s", mode_name, name, module_filename, ) self.modes[name + "_" + module_filename] = instance else: self.modes[instance.MODE_NAME] = instance # now that we have a bunch of valid autonomous mode objects, let # the user select one using the SmartDashboard. # SmartDashboard interface self.chooser = wpilib.SendableChooser() default_modes = [] mode_names = []"Loaded autonomous modes:") for k, v in sorted(self.modes.items()): if getattr(v, "DEFAULT", False):" -> %s [Default]", k) self.chooser.setDefaultOption(k, v) default_modes.append(k) else:" -> %s", k) self.chooser.addOption(k, v) mode_names.append(k) if len(self.modes) == 0: logger.warning("-- no autonomous modes were loaded!") self.chooser.addOption("None", None) if len(default_modes) == 0: self.chooser.setDefaultOption("None", None) elif len(default_modes) != 1: if not wpilib.DriverStation.isFMSAttached(): raise RuntimeError( "More than one autonomous mode was specified as default! (modes: {})".format( ", ".join(default_modes) ) ) # must PutData after setting up objects wpilib.SmartDashboard.putData("Autonomous Mode", self.chooser) # XXX: Compatibility with the FRC dashboard wpilib.SmartDashboard.putStringArray("Auto List", mode_names)"Autonomous switcher initialized")
[docs] def endCompetition(self): """Call this function when your robot's endCompetition function is called""" self.robot_exit = True
[docs] def run( self, control_loop_wait_time: float = 0.020, iter_fn: Union[Callable[[], None], Sequence[Callable[[], None]]] = None, on_exception: Callable = None, watchdog: Union[wpilib.Watchdog, SimpleWatchdog] = None, ) -> None: """ This method implements the entire autonomous loop. Do not call this from ``TimedRobot`` as this will break the timing of your control loop when your robot switches to teleop. This function will NOT exit until autonomous mode has ended. If you need to execute code in all autonomous modes, pass a function or list of functions as the ``iter_fn`` parameter, and they will be called once per autonomous mode iteration. :param control_loop_wait_time: Amount of time between iterations in seconds :param iter_fn: Called at the end of every iteration while autonomous mode is executing :param on_exception: Called when an uncaught exception is raised, must take a single keyword arg "forceReport" :param watchdog: a WPILib Watchdog to feed every iteration """ if watchdog is not None: watchdog.reset() if isinstance(watchdog, SimpleWatchdog): watchdog_check_expired = watchdog.printIfExpired else: def watchdog_check_expired(): if watchdog.isExpired(): watchdog.printEpochs()"Begin autonomous") if iter_fn is None: iter_fn = (lambda: None,) elif callable(iter_fn): iter_fn = (iter_fn,) if on_exception is None: on_exception = self._on_exception # keep track of how much time has passed in autonomous mode timer = wpilib.Timer() timer.start() try: self._on_autonomous_enable() except: on_exception(forceReport=True) if watchdog is not None: watchdog.addEpoch("auto on_enable") # # Autonomous control loop # observe = hal.observeUserProgramAutonomous refreshData = wpilib.DriverStation.refreshData isAutonomousEnabled = wpilib.DriverStation.isAutonomousEnabled with NotifierDelay(control_loop_wait_time) as delay: while not self.robot_exit: refreshData() if not isAutonomousEnabled(): break observe() try: self._on_iteration(timer.get()) except: on_exception() if watchdog is not None: watchdog.addEpoch("auto on_iteration") for fn in iter_fn: fn() if watchdog is not None: watchdog.disable() watchdog_check_expired() delay.wait() if watchdog is not None: watchdog.reset() # # Done with autonomous, finish up # try: self.disable() except: on_exception(forceReport=True)"Autonomous mode ended")
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Start autonomous mode. This initialises the selected autonomous mode. Call this from your ``autonomousInit`` method. .. versionadded:: 2020.1.5 """ self.timer = wpilib.Timer() self.timer.start() self._on_autonomous_enable()
[docs] def periodic(self) -> None: """Execute one control loop iteration of the active autonomous mode. Call this from your ``autonomousPeriodic`` method. .. versionadded:: 2020.1.5 """ self._on_iteration(self.timer.get())
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """Disables the active autonomous mode. You can call this from your ``disabledInit`` method to call your autonomous mode's ``on_disable`` method. .. versionadded:: 2020.1.5 """ if self.active_mode is not None:"Disabling '%s'", self.active_mode.MODE_NAME) self.active_mode.on_disable() self.active_mode = None
# # Internal methods used to implement autonomous mode switching, and # are called automatically # def _on_autonomous_enable(self) -> None: """Selects the active autonomous mode and enables it""" # XXX: FRC Dashboard compatibility # -> if you set it here, you're stuck using it. The FRC Dashboard # doesn't seem to have a default (nor will it show a default), # so the key will only get set if you set it. auto_mode = wpilib.SmartDashboard.getString("Auto Selector", None) if auto_mode is not None and auto_mode in self.modes:"Using autonomous mode set by LabVIEW dashboard") self.active_mode = self.modes[auto_mode] else: self.active_mode = self.chooser.getSelected() if self.active_mode is not None:"Enabling '%s'", self.active_mode.MODE_NAME) self.active_mode.on_enable() else: logger.warning( "No autonomous modes were selected, not enabling autonomous mode" ) def _on_iteration(self, time_elapsed: float) -> None: """Run the code for the current autonomous mode""" if self.active_mode is not None: self.active_mode.on_iteration(time_elapsed) def _on_exception(self, forceReport: bool = False): if not wpilib.DriverStation.isFMSAttached(): raise