Source code for magicbot.magiccomponent

import logging

[docs] class MagicComponent: """ To automagically retrieve variables defined in your base robot object, you can add the following:: class MyComponent: # other variables 'imported' automatically from MagicRobot elevator_motor: Talon other_component: MyOtherComponent ... def execute(self): # This will be automatically set to the Talon # instance created in self.elevator_motor.set(self.value) What this says is "find the variable in the robot class called 'elevator_motor', which is a Talon". If the name and type match, then the variable will automatically be injected into your component when it is created. .. note:: You don't need to inherit from ``MagicComponent``, it is only provided for documentation's sake """ logger: logging.Logger
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """ This function is called after ``createObjects`` has been called in the main robot class, and after all components have been created The setup function is optional and components do not have to define one. ``setup()`` functions are called in order of component definition in the main robot class. .. note:: For technical reasons, variables imported from MagicRobot are not initialized when your component's constructor is called. However, they will be initialized by the time this function is called. """
[docs] def on_enable(self) -> None: """ Called when the robot enters autonomous or teleoperated mode. This function should initialize your component to a "safe" state so that unexpected things don't happen when enabling the robot. .. note:: You'll note that there isn't a separate initialization function for autonomous and teleoperated modes. This is intentional, as they should be the same. """
[docs] def on_disable(self) -> None: """ Called when the robot leaves autonomous or teleoperated """
[docs] def execute(self) -> None: """ This function is called at the end of the control loop """