Source code for commands2.trapezoidprofilesubsystem

# validated: 2024-02-20 DV 6cc7e52de74a
# Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
# Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
# the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Union

from wpimath import units
from wpimath.trajectory import TrapezoidProfile, TrapezoidProfileRadians

from .subsystem import Subsystem

[docs] class TrapezoidProfileSubsystem(Subsystem): """ A subsystem that generates and runs trapezoidal motion profiles automatically. The user specifies how to use the current state of the motion profile by overriding the `useState` method. """ _profile: Any _stateCls: Any def __init__( self, constraints: Union[ TrapezoidProfile.Constraints, TrapezoidProfileRadians.Constraints ], initial_position: float = 0.0, period: units.seconds = 0.02, ): """ Creates a new TrapezoidProfileSubsystem. :param constraints: The constraints (maximum velocity and acceleration) for the profiles. :param initial_position: The initial position of the controlled mechanism when the subsystem is constructed. :param period: The period of the main robot loop, in seconds. """ if isinstance(constraints, TrapezoidProfile.Constraints): self._profile = TrapezoidProfile(constraints) self._stateCls = TrapezoidProfile.State elif isinstance(constraints, TrapezoidProfileRadians.Constraints): self._profile = TrapezoidProfileRadians(constraints) self._stateCls = TrapezoidProfileRadians.State else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid constraints {constraints}") self._state = self._stateCls(initial_position, 0) self.setGoal(initial_position) self._period = period self._enabled = True
[docs] def periodic(self): """ Executes the TrapezoidProfileSubsystem logic during each periodic update. This method is called synchronously from the subsystem's periodic() method. """ self._state = self._profile.calculate(self._period, self._state, self._goal) if self._enabled: self.useState(self._state)
[docs] def setGoal(self, goal): """ Sets the goal state for the subsystem. Goal velocity assumed to be zero. :param goal: The goal position for the subsystem's motion profile. The goal can either be a `TrapezoidProfile.State` or `float`. If float is provided, the assumed velocity for the goal will be 0. """ # If we got a float, instantiate the state if isinstance(goal, (float, int)): goal = self._stateCls(goal, 0) self._goal = goal
[docs] def enable(self): """Enable the TrapezoidProfileSubsystem's output.""" self._enabled = True
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable the TrapezoidProfileSubsystem's output.""" self._enabled = False
[docs] def useState(self, state): """ Users should override this to consume the current state of the motion profile. :param state: The current state of the motion profile. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__} must implement useState")