Source code for commands2.sysid.sysidroutine

# validated: 2024-02-20 DV ee15cc172a5e sysid/
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum

from wpilib.sysid import SysIdRoutineLog, State
from ..command import Command
from ..subsystem import Subsystem
from wpilib import Timer

from wpimath.units import seconds, volts

from typing import Callable, Optional

volts_per_second = float

[docs] class SysIdRoutine(SysIdRoutineLog): """A SysId characterization routine for a single mechanism. Mechanisms may have multiple motors. A single subsystem may have multiple mechanisms, but mechanisms should not share test routines. Each complete test of a mechanism should have its own SysIdRoutine instance, since the log name of the recorded data is determined by the mechanism name. The test state (e.g. "quasistatic-forward") is logged once per iteration during test execution, and once with state "none" when a test ends. Motor frames are logged every iteration during test execution. Timestamps are not coordinated across data, so motor frames and test state tags may be recorded on different log frames. Because frame alignment is not guaranteed, SysId parses the log by using the test state flag to determine the timestamp range for each section of the test, and then extracts the motor frames within the valid timestamp ranges. If a given test was run multiple times in a single logfile, the user will need to select which of the tests to use for the fit in the analysis tool. """
[docs] @dataclass class Config: """Hardware-independent configuration for a SysId test routine. :param rampRate: The voltage ramp rate used for quasistatic test routines. Defaults to 1 volt per second if left null. :param stepVoltage: The step voltage output used for dynamic test routines. Defaults to 7 volts if left null. :param timeout: Safety timeout for the test routine commands. Defaults to 10 seconds if left null. :param recordState: Optional handle for recording test state in a third-party logging solution. If provided, the test routine state will be passed to this callback instead of logged in WPILog. """ rampRate: volts_per_second = 1.0 stepVoltage: volts = 7.0 timeout: seconds = 10.0 recordState: Optional[Callable[[State], None]] = None
[docs] @dataclass class Mechanism: """A mechanism to be characterized by a SysId routine. Defines callbacks needed for the SysId test routine to control and record data from the mechanism. :param drive: Sends the SysId-specified drive signal to the mechanism motors during test routines. :param log: Returns measured data of the mechanism motors during test routines. To return data, call `motor(string motorName)` on the supplied `SysIdRoutineLog` instance, and then call one or more of the chainable logging handles (e.g. `voltage`) on the returned `MotorLog`. Multiple motors can be logged in a single callback by calling `motor` multiple times. :param subsystem: The subsystem containing the motor(s) that is (or are) being characterized. Will be declared as a requirement for the returned test commands. :param name: The name of the mechanism being tested. Will be appended to the log entry title for the routine's test state, e.g. "sysid-test-state-mechanism". Defaults to the name of the subsystem if left null. """ drive: Callable[[volts], None] log: Callable[[SysIdRoutineLog], None] subsystem: Subsystem name: str = None # type: ignore[assignment] def __post_init__(self): if is None: = self.subsystem.getName()
[docs] class Direction(Enum): """Motor direction for a SysId test.""" kForward = 1 kReverse = -1
def __init__(self, config: Config, mechanism: Mechanism): """Create a new SysId characterization routine. :param config: Hardware-independent parameters for the SysId routine. :param mechanism: Hardware interface for the SysId routine. """ super().__init__( self.config = config self.mechanism = mechanism self.outputVolts = 0.0 self.logState = config.recordState or self.recordState
[docs] def quasistatic(self, direction: Direction) -> Command: """Returns a command to run a quasistatic test in the specified direction. The command will call the `drive` and `log` callbacks supplied at routine construction once per iteration. Upon command end or interruption, the `drive` callback is called with a value of 0 volts. :param direction: The direction in which to run the test. :returns: A command to run the test. """ timer = Timer() if direction == self.Direction.kForward: state = State.kQuasistaticForward else: state = State.kQuasistaticReverse def execute(): self.outputVolts = direction.value * timer.get() * self.config.rampRate self.mechanism.log(self) self.logState(state) def end(interrupted: bool): self.logState(State.kNone) timer.stop() return ( self.mechanism.subsystem.runOnce(timer.restart) .andThen( .finallyDo(end) .withName(f"sysid-{state}-{}") .withTimeout(self.config.timeout) )
[docs] def dynamic(self, direction: Direction) -> Command: """Returns a command to run a dynamic test in the specified direction. The command will call the `drive` and `log` callbacks supplied at routine construction once per iteration. Upon command end or interruption, the `drive` callback is called with a value of 0 volts. :param direction: The direction in which to run the test. :returns: A command to run the test. """ if direction == self.Direction.kForward: state = State.kDynamicForward else: state = State.kDynamicReverse def command(): self.outputVolts = direction.value * self.config.stepVoltage def execute(): self.mechanism.log(self) self.logState(state) def end(interrupted: bool): self.logState(State.kNone) return ( self.mechanism.subsystem.runOnce(command) .andThen( .finallyDo(end) .withName(f"sysid-{state}-{}") .withTimeout(self.config.timeout) )