Source code for commands2.parallelracegroup

# validated: 2024-01-19 DS aaea85ff1656
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Set

from .command import Command, InterruptionBehavior
from .commandscheduler import CommandScheduler
from .exceptions import IllegalCommandUse
from .util import flatten_args_commands

[docs] class ParallelRaceGroup(Command): """ A composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when any one of the commands ends and interrupting all the others. The rules for command compositions apply: command instances that are passed to it cannot be added to any other composition or scheduled individually, and the composition requires all subsystems its components require. """ def __init__(self, *commands: Command): """ Creates a new ParallelCommandRace. The given commands will be executed simultaneously, and will "race to the finish" - the first command to finish ends the entire command, with all other commands being interrupted. :param commands: the commands to include in this composition. """ super().__init__() self._commands: Set[Command] = set() self._runsWhenDisabled = True self._finished = True self._interruptBehavior = InterruptionBehavior.kCancelIncoming self.addCommands(*commands)
[docs] def addCommands(self, *commands: Command): """ Adds the given commands to the group. :param commands: Commands to add to the group. """ commands = flatten_args_commands(commands) if not self._finished: raise IllegalCommandUse( "Commands cannot be added to a composition while it is running" ) CommandScheduler.getInstance().registerComposedCommands(commands) for command in commands: in_common = command.getRequirements().intersection(self.requirements) if in_common: raise IllegalCommandUse( "Multiple commands in a parallel composition cannot require the same subsystems.", common=in_common, ) self._commands.add(command) self.requirements.update(command.getRequirements()) self._runsWhenDisabled = ( self._runsWhenDisabled and command.runsWhenDisabled() ) if command.getInterruptionBehavior() == InterruptionBehavior.kCancelSelf: self._interruptBehavior = InterruptionBehavior.kCancelSelf
[docs] def initialize(self): self._finished = False for command in self._commands: command.initialize()
[docs] def execute(self): for command in self._commands: command.execute() if command.isFinished(): self._finished = True
[docs] def end(self, interrupted: bool): for command in self._commands: command.end(not command.isFinished())
[docs] def isFinished(self) -> bool: return self._finished
[docs] def runsWhenDisabled(self) -> bool: return self._runsWhenDisabled
[docs] def getInterruptionBehavior(self) -> InterruptionBehavior: return self._interruptBehavior