Source code for commands2.parallelcommandgroup

# validated: 2024-01-19 DS aaea85ff1656
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict

from .command import Command, InterruptionBehavior
from .commandscheduler import CommandScheduler
from .exceptions import IllegalCommandUse
from .util import flatten_args_commands

[docs] class ParallelCommandGroup(Command): """ A command composition that runs a set of commands in parallel, ending when the last command ends. The rules for command compositions apply: command instances that are passed to it cannot be added to any other composition or scheduled individually, and the composition requires all subsystems its components require. """ def __init__(self, *commands: Command): """ Creates a new ParallelCommandGroup. The given commands will be executed simultaneously. The command composition will finish when the last command finishes. If the composition is interrupted, only the commands that are still running will be interrupted. :param commands: the commands to include in this composition. """ super().__init__() self._commands: Dict[Command, bool] = {} self._runsWhenDisabled = True self._interruptBehavior = InterruptionBehavior.kCancelIncoming self.addCommands(*commands)
[docs] def addCommands(self, *commands: Command): """ Adds the given commands to the group. :param commands: Commands to add to the group """ commands = flatten_args_commands(commands) if True in self._commands.values(): raise IllegalCommandUse( "Commands cannot be added to a composition while it is running" ) CommandScheduler.getInstance().registerComposedCommands(commands) for command in commands: in_common = command.getRequirements().intersection(self.requirements) if in_common: raise IllegalCommandUse( "Multiple commands in a parallel composition cannot require the same subsystems.", common=in_common, ) self._commands[command] = False self.requirements.update(command.getRequirements()) self._runsWhenDisabled = ( self._runsWhenDisabled and command.runsWhenDisabled() ) if command.getInterruptionBehavior() == InterruptionBehavior.kCancelSelf: self._interruptBehavior = InterruptionBehavior.kCancelSelf
[docs] def initialize(self): for command in self._commands: command.initialize() self._commands[command] = True
[docs] def execute(self): for command, isRunning in self._commands.items(): if not isRunning: continue command.execute() if command.isFinished(): command.end(False) self._commands[command] = False
[docs] def end(self, interrupted: bool): if interrupted: for command, isRunning in self._commands.items(): if not isRunning: continue command.end(True) self._commands[command] = False
[docs] def isFinished(self) -> bool: return True not in self._commands.values()
[docs] def runsWhenDisabled(self) -> bool: return self._runsWhenDisabled
[docs] def getInterruptionBehavior(self) -> InterruptionBehavior: return self._interruptBehavior