Source code for commands2.button.trigger

# validated: 2024-04-02 DS 0b1345946950 button/
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Callable, overload

from typing_extensions import Self
from wpilib.event import EventLoop
from wpimath.filter import Debouncer

from ..command import Command
from ..commandscheduler import CommandScheduler
from ..util import format_args_kwargs

[docs] class Trigger: """ This class provides an easy way to link commands to conditions. It is very easy to link a button to a command. For instance, you could link the trigger button of a joystick to a "score" command. """ _loop: EventLoop _condition: Callable[[], bool] @overload def __init__(self, condition: Callable[[], bool] = lambda: False): """ Creates a new trigger based on the given condition. Polled by the default scheduler button loop. :param condition: the condition represented by this trigger """ ... @overload def __init__(self, loop: EventLoop, condition: Callable[[], bool]): """ Creates a new trigger based on the given condition. :param loop: The loop instance that polls this trigger. :param condition: the condition represented by this trigger """ ... def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): def init_loop_condition(loop: EventLoop, condition: Callable[[], bool]): assert callable(condition) self._loop = loop self._condition = condition def init_condition(condition: Callable[[], bool]): init_loop_condition( CommandScheduler.getInstance().getDefaultButtonLoop(), condition ) num_args = len(args) + len(kwargs) if num_args == 0: return init_condition(lambda: False) elif num_args == 1 and len(kwargs) == 1: if "condition" in kwargs: return init_condition(kwargs["condition"]) elif num_args == 1 and len(args) == 1: if callable(args[0]): return init_condition(args[0]) elif num_args == 2: loop, condition, *_ = args + (None, None) if "loop" in kwargs: loop = kwargs["loop"] if "condition" in kwargs: condition = kwargs["condition"] if loop is not None and condition is not None: return init_loop_condition(loop, condition) raise TypeError( f""" TypeError: Trigger(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported: 1. (self: Trigger) 2. (self: Trigger, condition: () -> bool) 3. (self: Trigger, loop: EventLoop, condition: () -> bool) Invoked with: {format_args_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs)} """ )
[docs] def onTrue(self, command: Command) -> Self: """ Starts the given command whenever the condition changes from `False` to `True`. :param command: the command to start :returns: this trigger, so calls can be chained """ state = SimpleNamespace(pressed_last=self._condition()) @self._loop.bind def _(): pressed = self._condition() if not state.pressed_last and pressed: command.schedule() state.pressed_last = pressed return self
[docs] def onFalse(self, command: Command) -> Self: """ Starts the given command whenever the condition changes from `True` to `False`. :param command: the command to start :returns: this trigger, so calls can be chained """ state = SimpleNamespace(pressed_last=self._condition()) @self._loop.bind def _(): pressed = self._condition() if state.pressed_last and not pressed: command.schedule() state.pressed_last = pressed return self
[docs] def whileTrue(self, command: Command) -> Self: """ Starts the given command when the condition changes to `True` and cancels it when the condition changes to `False`. Doesn't re-start the command if it ends while the condition is still `True`. If the command should restart, see :class:`commands2.RepeatCommand`. :param command: the command to start :returns: this trigger, so calls can be chained """ state = SimpleNamespace(pressed_last=self._condition()) @self._loop.bind def _(): pressed = self._condition() if not state.pressed_last and pressed: command.schedule() elif state.pressed_last and not pressed: command.cancel() state.pressed_last = pressed return self
[docs] def whileFalse(self, command: Command) -> Self: """ Starts the given command when the condition changes to `False` and cancels it when the condition changes to `True`. Doesn't re-start the command if it ends while the condition is still `False`. If the command should restart, see :class:`commands2.RepeatCommand`. :param command: the command to start :returns: this trigger, so calls can be chained """ state = SimpleNamespace(pressed_last=self._condition()) @self._loop.bind def _(): pressed = self._condition() if state.pressed_last and not pressed: command.schedule() elif not state.pressed_last and pressed: command.cancel() state.pressed_last = pressed return self
[docs] def toggleOnTrue(self, command: Command) -> Self: """ Toggles a command when the condition changes from `False` to `True`. :param command: the command to toggle :returns: this trigger, so calls can be chained """ state = SimpleNamespace(pressed_last=self._condition()) @self._loop.bind def _(): pressed = self._condition() if not state.pressed_last and pressed: if command.isScheduled(): command.cancel() else: command.schedule() state.pressed_last = pressed return self
[docs] def toggleOnFalse(self, command: Command) -> Self: """ Toggles a command when the condition changes from `True` to `False`. :param command: the command to toggle :returns: this trigger, so calls can be chained """ state = SimpleNamespace(pressed_last=self._condition()) @self._loop.bind def _(): pressed = self._condition() if state.pressed_last and not pressed: if command.isScheduled(): command.cancel() else: command.schedule() state.pressed_last = pressed return self
def __call__(self) -> bool: return self._condition()
[docs] def getAsBoolean(self) -> bool: return self._condition()
def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self._condition() def __and__(self, other: Callable[[], bool]) -> "Trigger": assert callable(other) return Trigger(self._loop, lambda: self() and other())
[docs] def and_(self, other: Callable[[], bool]) -> "Trigger": """ Composes two triggers with logical AND. :param trigger: the condition to compose with :returns: A trigger which is active when both component triggers are active. """ return self & other
def __or__(self, other: Callable[[], bool]) -> "Trigger": assert callable(other) return Trigger(self._loop, lambda: self() or other())
[docs] def or_(self, other: Callable[[], bool]) -> "Trigger": """ Composes two triggers with logical OR. :param trigger: the condition to compose with :returns: A trigger which is active when either component trigger is active. """ return self | other
def __invert__(self) -> "Trigger": return Trigger(self._loop, lambda: not self())
[docs] def negate(self) -> "Trigger": """ Creates a new trigger that is active when this trigger is inactive, i.e. that acts as the negation of this trigger. :returns: the negated trigger """ return ~self
[docs] def not_(self) -> "Trigger": return ~self
[docs] def debounce( self, seconds: float, debounce_type: Debouncer.DebounceType = Debouncer.DebounceType.kRising, ) -> "Trigger": """ Creates a new debounced trigger from this trigger - it will become active when this trigger has been active for longer than the specified period. :param seconds: The debounce period. :param type: The debounce type. :returns: The debounced trigger. """ debouncer = Debouncer(seconds, debounce_type) return Trigger(self._loop, lambda: debouncer.calculate(self()))