pyntcore install

pyntcore is a python package that allows FRC teams to use Python to communicate with their robots via NetworkTables. It can be used on your Driver Station, on a coprocessor such as a Raspberry Pi, or any platform supported by the WPILib team.


If you’re looking for a pure python implementation of NetworkTables, check out the pynetworktables project. It only supports NT2/NT3.

RoboRIO installation

pyntcore is installed as part of the core RobotPy installation.

# While connected to the internet
py -3 -m robotpy_installer download robotpy

# While connected to the network with a RoboRIO on it
py -3 -m robotpy_installer install robotpy
# While connected to the internet
robotpy-installer download robotpy

# While connected to the network with a RoboRIO on it
robotpy-installer install robotpy[cscore]

For additional details about running robotpy-installer on your computer, see the robotpy-installer documentation.

Non-roboRIO installation

Pre-built wheels of pyntcore can be installed by installing the robotpy package, or installed separately via pip (shown below):

py -3 -m pip install -U pyntcore
pip3 install -U pyntcore
pip3 install -U --find-links= pyntcore

Getting Started

See the NetworkTables guide to learn more about using NetworkTables to communicate with your robot.