robotpy-rev-color install

Setup (tests)

If you intend to use the color sensor with your tests or with the simulator, you’ll need to install this package. It is recommended to install using the robotpy meta package:

py -3 -m pip install -U robotpy[rev]

Setup (RoboRIO)

You must install this package on your robo if you intend to use it.

Python package

Even if you have robotpy-rev-color installed locally, you must install it on your robot separately.

Use the RobotPy installer and run the following on your computer while connected to the internet:

py -3 -m robotpy_installer download -U robotpy[rev]

For additional details about running robotpy-installer on your computer, see the robotpy-installer documentation.


Using the color sensor is simple. The following code shows how to get the Red, Green, Blue, and the IR (infrared) values from the sensor, as well as the proximity:

import wpilib
from rev.color import ColorSensorV3

class MyRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot):
    def robotInit(self):
        self.colorSensor = ColorSensorV3(wpilib.I2C.Port.kOnboard)

    def robotPeriodic(self):
        # Get the sensor attributes
        color = self.colorSensor.getColor()
        ir = self.colorSensor.getIR()

        # Get the individual components of the color
        red =
        blue =
        green =

        # Get the approximate proximity of an object
        proximity = self.colorSensor.getProximity()

if __name__ == "__main__":

There’s also a more in depth example found at the example folder for the library