robotpy-cscore install


cscore is not installed when you pip install robotpy

RoboRIO installation

If you have robotpy-installer on your computer, then installing robotpy-cscore is very simple:

# While connected to the internet
robotpy-installer opkg download cscore

# While connected to the network with a RoboRIO on it
robotpy-installer opkg install cscore

For additional details about running robotpy-installer on your computer, see the robotpy-installer documentation.

Non-roboRIO installation

GNU/Linux packages

If you’re using Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, or openSUSE, follow the instructions on

If you’re using Arch Linux, you can follow the instructions at to install a precompiled package.

A full list of supported platforms is available on

Compiling from source

If you’re not installing on a RoboRIO, then installation of cscore has a few additional steps that you need to do:

  1. Ensure a C++ compiler that supports C++17 is installed

  2. Install Python 3 (cscore is not supported on Python 2) and development headers

  3. Ensure that you have a recent version of pip3/setuptools installed (either via pip3 or using a Linux package manager)

    • It has been reported that build failures may occur with certain combinations of pip/setuptools installed

  4. Install Numpy (either via pip3 or using a Linux package manager)

  5. Install OpenCV (either via a Linux package manager or compile from source)

    • If you compile from source, you must enable shared library support, cscore cannot use a statically compiled OpenCV python module at this time

    • If you use OpenCV 4, you must also compile with -DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=ON and install pkgconfig via pip for robotpy-cscore to find it.

  6. Install robotpy-cscore via pip3. It should be as easy as running pip3 install robotpy-cscore – though be warned, it takes several minutes to compile!


robotpy-cscore has only been lightly tested on Windows, and installation of OpenCV is slightly complicated, but you may have luck using conda. See robotpy-cscore issue #17 for more details.


CSCore does not support reading USB cameras on macOS.


Currently, robotpy-cscore does not support using the OpenCV module that comes with the opencv-python package distributed on Pypi. Long term, I’d like to get that to work, but it’s going to take a bit of work. To track this issue, see

Next steps

See our cscore documentation for examples and deployment thoughts.