Source code for wpilib.analogoutput

# validated: 2015-12-24 DS de39877 athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2014. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal
import weakref

from .livewindow import LiveWindow
from .resource import Resource
from .sensorbase import SensorBase

__all__ = ["AnalogOutput"]

def _freeAnalogOutput(port):

[docs]class AnalogOutput(SensorBase): """Analog output""" channels = Resource(SensorBase.kAnalogOutputChannels) def __init__(self, channel): """Construct an analog output on a specified MXP channel. :param channel: The channel number to represent. """ if not hal.checkAnalogOutputChannel(channel): raise IndexError("Analog output channel %d cannot be allocated. Channel is not present." % channel) try: AnalogOutput.channels.allocate(self, channel) except IndexError as e: raise IndexError("Analog output channel %d is already allocated" % channel) from e = channel port = hal.getPort(channel) self._port = hal.initializeAnalogOutputPort(port) LiveWindow.addSensorChannel("AnalogOutput", channel, self) hal.HALReport(hal.HALUsageReporting.kResourceType_AnalogChannel, channel, 1) self.__finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, _freeAnalogOutput, self._port) @property def port(self): if not self.__finalizer.alive: return None return self._port
[docs] def free(self): """Channel destructor. """ LiveWindow.removeComponent(self) if is None: return self.__finalizer() = None
[docs] def setVoltage(self, voltage): hal.setAnalogOutput(self.port, voltage)
[docs] def getVoltage(self): return hal.getAnalogOutput(self.port) # Live Window code, only does anything if live window is activated.
def getSmartDashboardType(self): return "Analog Output" def updateTable(self): table = self.getTable() if table is not None: table.putNumber("Value", self.getVoltage()) def startLiveWindowMode(self): # Analog Channels don't have to do anything special when entering the # LiveWindow. pass def stopLiveWindowMode(self): # Analog Channels don't have to do anything special when exiting the # LiveWindow. pass