robotpy-cscore install


cscore is not installed when you pip install robotpy

RoboRIO installation

If you have robotpy-installer on your computer, then installing robotpy-cscore is very simple:

# While connected to the internet
py -3 -m robotpy_installer download robotpy-cscore

# While connected to the network with a RoboRIO on it
py -3 -m robotpy_installer install robotpy-cscore
# While connected to the internet
robotpy-installer download robotpy-cscore

# While connected to the network with a RoboRIO on it
robotpy-installer install robotpy-cscore

For additional details about running robotpy-installer on your computer, see the robotpy-installer documentation.

Non-roboRIO installation

We now distribute wheels for CSCore on pypi, so you can just use the robotpy-meta package to install it:

py -3 -m pip install -U robotpy[cscore]
pip3 install -U robotpy[cscore]

Next steps

See our cscore documentation for examples and deployment thoughts.