Source code for wpilib.interfaces.accelerometer

# validated: 2017-09-27 AA e1195e8b9dab edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/interfaces/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2014. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in $(WIND_BASE)/WPILib.

__all__ = ["Accelerometer"]

[docs]class Accelerometer: """Interface for 3-axis accelerometers"""
[docs] class Range: k2G = 0 k4G = 1 k8G = 2 k16G = 3
[docs] def setRange(self, range): """Common interface for setting the measuring range of an accelerometer. :param range: The maximum acceleration, positive or negative, that the accelerometer will measure. Not all accelerometers support all ranges. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getX(self): """Common interface for getting the x axis acceleration :returns: The acceleration along the x axis in g-forces """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getY(self): """Common interface for getting the y axis acceleration :returns: The acceleration along the y axis in g-forces """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getZ(self): """Common interface for getting the z axis acceleration :returns: The acceleration along the z axis in g-forces """ raise NotImplementedError