Source code for wpilib.timer

# validated: 2017-12-02 EN 614093c0c4fc edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import threading

import hal

__all__ = ["Timer"]

[docs]class Timer: """ Provides time-related functionality for the robot .. note:: Prefer to use this module for time functions, instead of the :mod:`time` module in the standard library. This will make it easier for your code to work properly in simulation. """
[docs] @staticmethod def getFPGATimestamp(): """Return the system clock time in seconds. Return the time from the FPGA hardware clock in seconds since the FPGA started. :returns: Robot running time in seconds. :rtype: float """ return hal.getFPGATime() / 1000000.0
[docs] @staticmethod def getMatchTime(): """Return the approximate match time. The FMS does not currently send the official match time to the robots, but does send an approximate match time. The value will count down the time remaining in the current period (auto or teleop). .. warning:: This is not an official time (so it cannot be used to dispute ref calls or guarantee that a function will trigger before the match ends). The Practice Match function of the DS approximates the behavior seen on the field. :returns: Time remaining in current match period (auto or teleop) in seconds :rtype: float """ from .driverstation import DriverStation return DriverStation.getInstance().getMatchTime()
[docs] @staticmethod def delay(seconds): """Pause the thread for a specified time. Pause the execution of the thread for a specified period of time given in seconds. Motors will continue to run at their last assigned values, and sensors will continue to update. Only the thread containing the wait will pause until the wait time is expired. :param seconds: Length of time to pause :type seconds: float .. warning:: If you're tempted to use this function for autonomous mode to time transitions between actions, don't do it! Delaying the main robot thread for more than a few milliseconds is generally discouraged, and will cause problems and possibly leave the robot unresponsive. """ hal.sleep(seconds)
def __init__(self): self.mutex = threading.RLock() self.startTime = self.getMsClock() self.accumulatedTime = 0.0 self.running = False
[docs] def getMsClock(self): """ :returns: the system clock time in milliseconds. :rtype: int """ return hal.getFPGATime() / 1000
[docs] def get(self): """Get the current time from the timer. If the clock is running it is derived from the current system clock the start time stored in the timer class. If the clock is not running, then return the time when it was last stopped. :returns: Current time value for this timer in seconds :rtype: float """ with self.mutex: if self.running: return ((self.getMsClock() - self.startTime) + self.accumulatedTime) / 1000.0 else: return self.accumulatedTime
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the timer by setting the time to 0. Make the timer startTime the current time so new requests will be relative now. """ with self.mutex: self.accumulatedTime = 0.0 self.startTime = self.getMsClock()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the timer running. Just set the running flag to true indicating that all time requests should be relative to the system clock. """ with self.mutex: self.startTime = self.getMsClock() self.running = True
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the timer. This computes the time as of now and clears the running flag, causing all subsequent time requests to be read from the accumulated time rather than looking at the system clock. """ with self.mutex: temp = self.get() self.accumulatedTime = temp self.running = False
[docs] def hasPeriodPassed(self, period): """Check if the period specified has passed and if it has, advance the start time by that period. This is useful to decide if it's time to do periodic work without drifting later by the time it took to get around to checking. :param period: The period to check for (in seconds). :returns: If the period has passed. :rtype: bool """ with self.mutex: if self.get() > period: # Advance the start time by the period # Don't set it to the current time... we want to avoid drift self.startTime += (period * 1000) return True return False