Source code for wpilib.powerdistributionpanel

# validated: 2017-12-12 EN f9bece2ffbf7 edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2014. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal

from functools import partial
from .sensorbase import SensorBase

__all__ = ["PowerDistributionPanel"]

[docs]class PowerDistributionPanel(SensorBase): """ Use to obtain voltage, current, temperature, power, and energy from the Power Distribution Panel over CAN """ def __init__(self, module=0): """ :param module: CAN ID of the PDP :type module: int """ super().__init__() self.module = module SensorBase.checkPDPModule(module) hal.initializePDP(module) self.setName("PowerDistributionPanel", module)
[docs] def getVoltage(self): """ Query the input voltage of the PDP :returns: The voltage of the PDP in volts :rtype: float """ return hal.getPDPVoltage(self.module)
[docs] def getTemperature(self): """ Query the temperature of the PDP :returns: The temperature of the PDP in degrees Celsius :rtype: float """ return hal.getPDPTemperature(self.module)
[docs] def getCurrent(self, channel): """ Query the current of a single channel of the PDP :returns: The current of one of the PDP channels (channels 0-15) in Amperes :rtype: float """ SensorBase.checkPDPChannel(channel) return hal.getPDPChannelCurrent(self.module, channel)
[docs] def getTotalCurrent(self): """ Query the current of all monitored PDP channels (0-15) :returns: The total current drawn from the PDP channels in Amperes :rtype: float """ return hal.getPDPTotalCurrent(self.module)
[docs] def getTotalPower(self): """ Query the total power drawn from the monitored PDP channels :returns: The total power drawn from the PDP channels in Watts :rtype: float """ return hal.getPDPTotalPower(self.module)
[docs] def getTotalEnergy(self): """ Query the total energy drawn from the monitored PDP channels :returns: The total energy drawn from the PDP channels in Joules :rtype: float """ return hal.getPDPTotalEnergy(self.module)
[docs] def resetTotalEnergy(self): """ Reset the total energy to 0 """ hal.resetPDPTotalEnergy(self.module)
[docs] def clearStickyFaults(self): """ Clear all pdp sticky faults """ hal.clearPDPStickyFaults(self.module)
[docs] def initSendable(self, builder): builder.setSmartDashboardType("PowerDistributionPanel") for chan in range(self.kPDPChannels): builder.addDoubleProperty("Chan%s" % (chan,), partial(self.getCurrent, chan), None) builder.addDoubleProperty("Voltage", self.getVoltage, None) builder.addDoubleProperty("TotalCurrent", self.getTotalCurrent, None)