Source code for wpilib.digitaloutput

# validated: 2017-12-23 EN f9bece2ffbf7 edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
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# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import warnings
import weakref

import hal

from .digitalsource import DigitalSource
from .sensorbase import SensorBase
from .sendablebase import SendableBase

__all__ = ["DigitalOutput"]

def _freePWMGenerator(pwmGenerator):
    # Disable the output by routing to a dead bit.
    hal.setDigitalPWMOutputChannel(pwmGenerator, SensorBase.kDigitalChannels)

[docs]class DigitalOutput(SendableBase): """Writes to a digital output Other devices that are implemented elsewhere will automatically allocate digital inputs and outputs as required. """ invalidPwmGenerator = None def __init__(self, channel): """Create an instance of a digital output. :param channel: the DIO channel for the digital output. 0-9 are on-board, 10-25 are on the MXP """ super().__init__() self._pwmGenerator = None self._pwmGenerator_finalizer = None SensorBase.checkDigitalChannel(channel) = channel self.handle = hal.initializeDIOPort(hal.getPort(channel), False), channel) self.setName("DigitalOutput", channel) @property def pwmGenerator(self): if self._pwmGenerator_finalizer is None: return None if not self._pwmGenerator_finalizer.alive: return None return self._pwmGenerator
[docs] def free(self): """Free the resources associated with a digital output.""" super().free() # finalize the pwm only if we have allocated it if self.pwmGenerator is not None: self._pwmGenerator_finalizer() self._pwmGenerator = None if self.pwmGenerator is not self.invalidPwmGenerator: self.disablePWM() hal.freeDIOPort(self.handle) self.handle = 0
[docs] def set(self, value): """Set the value of a digital output. :param value: True is on, off is False :type value: bool """ hal.setDIO(self.handle, bool(value))
[docs] def get(self): """Gets the value being output from the Digital Output. :returns: the state of the digital output :rtype: bool """ return hal.getDIO(self.handle)
[docs] def getChannel(self): """:returns: The GPIO channel number that this object represents. """ return
[docs] def pulse(self, pulseLength): """Generate a single pulse. There can only be a single pulse going at any time. :param pulseLength: The length of the pulse. :type pulseLength: float """ hal.pulse(self.handle, pulseLength)
[docs] def isPulsing(self): """Determine if the pulse is still going. Determine if a previously started pulse is still going. :returns: True if pulsing :rtype: bool """ return hal.isPulsing(self.handle)
[docs] def setPWMRate(self, rate): """Change the PWM frequency of the PWM output on a Digital Output line. The valid range is from 0.6 Hz to 19 kHz. The frequency resolution is logarithmic. There is only one PWM frequency for all channels. :param rate: The frequency to output all digital output PWM signals. :type rate: float """ hal.setDigitalPWMRate(rate)
[docs] def enablePWM(self, initialDutyCycle): """Enable a PWM Output on this line. Allocate one of the 6 DO PWM generator resources. Supply the initial duty-cycle to output so as to avoid a glitch when first starting. The resolution of the duty cycle is 8-bit for low frequencies (1kHz or less) but is reduced the higher the frequency of the PWM signal is. :param initialDutyCycle: The duty-cycle to start generating. [0..1] :type initialDutyCycle: float """ if self.pwmGenerator is not self.invalidPwmGenerator: return self._pwmGenerator = hal.allocateDigitalPWM() hal.setDigitalPWMDutyCycle(self._pwmGenerator, initialDutyCycle) hal.setDigitalPWMOutputChannel(self._pwmGenerator, self._pwmGenerator_finalizer = \ weakref.finalize(self, _freePWMGenerator, self._pwmGenerator)
[docs] def disablePWM(self): """Change this line from a PWM output back to a static Digital Output line. Free up one of the 6 DO PWM generator resources that were in use. """ if self.pwmGenerator is not self.invalidPwmGenerator: return hal.setDigitalPWMOutputChannel(self._pwmGenerator, SensorBase.kDigitalChannels) hal.freeDigitalPWM(self._pwmGenerator) self._pwmGenerator_finalizer()
[docs] def updateDutyCycle(self, dutyCycle): """Change the duty-cycle that is being generated on the line. The resolution of the duty cycle is 8-bit for low frequencies (1kHz or less) but is reduced the higher the frequency of the PWM signal is. :param dutyCycle: The duty-cycle to change to. [0..1] :type dutyCycle: float """ if self.pwmGenerator is self.invalidPwmGenerator: return hal.setDigitalPWMDutyCycle(self._pwmGenerator, dutyCycle)
[docs] def initSendable(self, builder): builder.setSmartDashboardType("Digital Output") builder.addBooleanProperty("Value", self.get, self.set)