Source code for wpilib.buttons.button

# validated: 2017-10-17 AA e1195e8b9dab edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/buttons/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

from .trigger import Trigger

__all__ = ["Button"]

[docs]class Button(Trigger): """This class provides an easy way to link commands to OI inputs. It is very easy to link a button to a command. For instance, you could link the trigger button of a joystick to a "score" command. This class represents a subclass of :class:`.Trigger` that is specifically aimed at buttons on an operator interface as a common use case of the more generalized Trigger objects. This is a simple wrapper around Trigger with the method names renamed to fit the Button object use. """
[docs] def whenPressed(self, command): """Starts the given command whenever the button is newly pressed. :param command: the command to start """ self.whenActive(command)
[docs] def whileHeld(self, command): """Constantly starts the given command while the button is held. :meth:`.Command.start` will be called repeatedly while the button is held, and will be canceled when the button is released. :param command: the command to start """ self.whileActive(command)
[docs] def whenReleased(self, command): """Starts the command when the button is released. :param command: the command to start """ self.whenInactive(command)
[docs] def toggleWhenPressed(self, command): """Toggles the command whenever the button is pressed (on then off then on). :param command: """ self.toggleWhenActive(command)
[docs] def cancelWhenPressed(self, command): """Cancel the command when the button is pressed. :param command: """ self.cancelWhenActive(command)