Source code for wpilib.adxrs450_gyro

# validated: 2017-12-26 DS 7f074563d06f edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 FIRST. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal

from .driverstation import DriverStation
from .gyrobase import GyroBase
from .spi import SPI
from .timer import Timer

__all__ = ['ADXRS450_Gyro']

[docs]class ADXRS450_Gyro(GyroBase): """ Use a rate gyro to return the robots heading relative to a starting position. The Gyro class tracks the robots heading based on the starting position. As the robot rotates the new heading is computed by integrating the rate of rotation returned by the sensor. When the class is instantiated, it does a short calibration routine where it samples the gyro while at rest to determine the default offset. This is subtracted from each sample to determine the heading. This class is for the digital ADXRS450 gyro sensor that connects via SPI. """ kSamplePeriod = 0.0005 kCalibrationSampleTime = 5.0 kDegreePerSecondPerLSB = 0.0125 kRateRegister = 0x00 kTemRegister = 0x02 kLoCSTRegister = 0x04 kHiCSTRegister = 0x06 kQuadRegister = 0x08 kFaultRegister = 0x0A kPIDRegister = 0x0C kSNHighRegister = 0x0E kSNLowRegister = 0x10 def __init__(self, port=None): """ Constructor. :param port: The SPI port that the gyro is connected to :type port: :class:`.SPI.Port` """ super().__init__() if port is None: port = SPI.Port.kOnboardCS0 simPort = None if hal.HALIsSimulation(): from hal_impl.spi_helpers import ADXRS450_Gyro_Sim simPort = ADXRS450_Gyro_Sim(self) self.spi = SPI(port, simPort=simPort) self.spi.setClockRate(3000000) self.spi.setMSBFirst() self.spi.setSampleDataOnRising() self.spi.setClockActiveHigh() self.spi.setChipSelectActiveLow() # Validate the part ID if (self._readRegister(self.kPIDRegister) & 0xff00) != 0x5200: self.spi = None DriverStation.reportError("could not find ADXRS450 gyro on SPI port %s" % port, False) return # python-specific: make this easier to simulate if hal.isSimulation(): self.spi.initAccumulator(self.kSamplePeriod, 0x20000000, 4, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 32, True, True) else: self.spi.initAccumulator(self.kSamplePeriod, 0x20000000, 4, 0x0c00000e, 0x04000000, 10, 16, True, True) self.calibrate(), port) self.setName("ADXRS450_Gyro", port)
[docs] def calibrate(self): """Calibrate the gyro by running for a number of samples and computing the center value. Then use the center value as the Accumulator center value for subsequent measurements. It's important to make sure that the robot is not moving while the centering calculations are in progress, this is typically done when the robot is first turned on while it's sitting at rest before the competition starts. .. note:: Usually you don't need to call this, as it's called when the object is first created. If you do, it will freeze your robot for 5 seconds """ if self.spi is None: return if not hal.HALIsSimulation(): Timer.delay(0.1) self.spi.setAccumulatorCenter(0) self.spi.resetAccumulator() if not hal.HALIsSimulation(): Timer.delay(self.kCalibrationSampleTime) self.spi.setAccumulatorCenter(int(self.spi.getAccumulatorAverage())) self.spi.resetAccumulator()
def _calcParity(self, v): parity = False while v != 0: parity = not parity v = v & (v - 1) return parity def _readRegister(self, reg): cmdhi = 0x8000 | (reg << 1) parity = self._calcParity(cmdhi) data = [cmdhi >> 8, cmdhi & 0xff, 0, 0 if parity else 1] self.spi.write(data) data =, 4) if (data[0] & 0xe0) == 0: return 0 # error, return 0 val = int.from_bytes(data[:4], byteorder='big') return (val >> 5) & 0xffff
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the gyro. Resets the gyro to a heading of zero. This can be used if there is significant drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated after it has been running. """ self.spi.resetAccumulator()
[docs] def free(self): """Delete (free) the spi port used for the gyro and stop accumulating.""" super().free() if self.spi is not None: self.spi = None
[docs] def getAngle(self): """ Return the actual angle in degrees that the robot is currently facing. The angle is based on the current accumulator value corrected by the oversampling rate, the gyro type and the A/D calibration values. The angle is continuous, that is it will continue from 360 to 361 degrees. This allows algorithms that wouldn't want to see a discontinuity in the gyro output as it sweeps past from 360 to 0 on the second time around. :returns: the current heading of the robot in degrees. This heading is based on integration of the returned rate from the gyro. """ if self.spi is None: return 0.0 return self.spi.getAccumulatorValue() * self.kDegreePerSecondPerLSB * self.kSamplePeriod
[docs] def getRate(self): """Return the rate of rotation of the gyro The rate is based on the most recent reading of the gyro value :returns: the current rate in degrees per second """ if self.spi is None: return 0.0 else: return self.spi.getAccumulatorLastValue() * self.kDegreePerSecondPerLSB