Source code for wpilib.adxl345_i2c

# validated: 2017-12-27 TW f9bece2ffbf7 edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal

from .interfaces import Accelerometer
from .i2c import I2C
from .sensorbase import SensorBase

__all__ = ["ADXL345_I2C"]

[docs]class ADXL345_I2C(SensorBase): """ ADXL345 accelerometer device via i2c """ kAddress = 0x1D kPowerCtlRegister = 0x2D kDataFormatRegister = 0x31 kDataRegister = 0x32 kGsPerLSB = 0.00390625 kPowerCtl_Link = 0x20 kPowerCtl_AutoSleep = 0x10 kPowerCtl_Measure = 0x08 kPowerCtl_Sleep = 0x04 kDataFormat_SelfTest = 0x80 kDataFormat_SPI = 0x40 kDataFormat_IntInvert = 0x20 kDataFormat_FullRes = 0x08 kDataFormat_Justify = 0x04 Range = Accelerometer.Range
[docs] class Axes: kX = 0x00 kY = 0x02 kZ = 0x04
def __init__(self, port, range, address=None): """Constructor. :param port: The I2C port the accelerometer is attached to. :type port: :class:`.I2C.Port` :param range: The range (+ or -) that the accelerometer will measure. :type range: :class:`.ADXL345_I2C.Range` :param address: the I2C address of the accelerometer (0x1D or 0x53) """ if address is None: address = self.kAddress self.i2c = I2C(port, address) # Turn on the measurements self.i2c.write(self.kPowerCtlRegister, self.kPowerCtl_Measure) self.setRange(range), hal.UsageReporting.kADXL345_I2C) self.setName("ADXL345_I2C", port)
[docs] def free(self): super().free()
# Accelerometer interface
[docs] def setRange(self, range): """Set the measuring range of the accelerometer. :param range: The maximum acceleration, positive or negative, that the accelerometer will measure. :type range: :class:`ADXL345_I2C.Range` """ if range == self.Range.k2G: value = 0 elif range == self.Range.k4G: value = 1 elif range == self.Range.k8G: value = 2 elif range == self.Range.k16G: value = 3 else: raise ValueError("Invalid range argument '%s'" % range) # Specify the data format to read self.i2c.write(self.kDataFormatRegister, self.kDataFormat_FullRes | value)
[docs] def getX(self): """Get the x axis acceleration :returns: The acceleration along the x axis in g-forces """ return self.getAcceleration(self.Axes.kX)
[docs] def getY(self): """Get the y axis acceleration :returns: The acceleration along the y axis in g-forces """ return self.getAcceleration(self.Axes.kY)
[docs] def getZ(self): """Get the z axis acceleration :returns: The acceleration along the z axis in g-forces """ return self.getAcceleration(self.Axes.kZ)
[docs] def getAcceleration(self, axis): """Get the acceleration of one axis in Gs. :param axis: The axis to read from. :returns: An object containing the acceleration measured on each axis of the ADXL345 in Gs. """ data = + axis, 2) # Sensor is little endian... swap bytes rawAccel = (data[1] << 8) | data[0] return rawAccel * self.kGsPerLSB
[docs] def getAccelerations(self): """Get the acceleration of all axes in Gs. :returns: X,Y,Z tuple of acceleration measured on all axes of the ADXL345 in Gs. """ data =, 6) # Sensor is little endian... swap bytes rawData = [] for i in range(3): rawData.append((data[i*2+1] << 8) | data[i*2]) return (rawData[0] * self.kGsPerLSB, rawData[1] * self.kGsPerLSB, rawData[2] * self.kGsPerLSB)
def _updateValues(self): data = self.getAccelerations() self._entryX.setDouble(data[0]) self._entryY.setDouble(data[1]) self._entryZ.setDouble(data[2])
[docs] def initSendable(self, builder): builder.setSmartDashboardType("3AxisAccelerometer") self._entryX = builder.getEntry("X") self._entryY = builder.getEntry("Y") self._entryZ = builder.getEntry("Z") builder.setUpdateTable(self._updateValues)