Source code for wpilib.interfaces.generichid

# validated: 2017-11-13 TW 21585f70a88e edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
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# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2017. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
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import enum

from ..driverstation import DriverStation
import hal

__all__ = ["GenericHID"]

[docs]class GenericHID: """ GenericHID Interface. """
[docs] class RumbleType(enum.IntEnum): """Represents a rumble output on the JoyStick.""" #: Left Hand kLeftRumble = 0 #: Right Hand kRightRumble = 1
[docs] class HIDType(enum.IntEnum): kUnknown = -1 kXInputUnknown = 0 kXInputGamepad = 1 kXInputWheel = 2 kXInputArcadeStick = 3 kXInputFlightStick = 4 kXInputDancePad = 5 kXInputGuitar = 6 kXInputGuitar2 = 7 kXInputDrumKit = 8 kXInputGuitar3 = 11 kXInputArcadePad = 19 kHIDJoystick = 20 kHIDGamepad = 21 kHIDDriving = 22 kHIDFlight = 23 kHID1stPerson = 24
[docs] class Hand(enum.IntEnum): """Which hand the Human Interface Device is associated with.""" #: Left Hand kLeft = 0 #: Right Hand kRight = 1
def __init__(self, port: int) -> None: self.port = port self.ds = DriverStation.getInstance() self.outputs = 0 self.leftRumble = 0 self.rightRumble = 0
[docs] def getX(self, hand: Hand = Hand.kRight) -> float: """Get the x position of HID. :param hand: which hand, left or right :returns: the x position """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getY(self, hand: Hand = Hand.kRight) -> float: """Get the y position of the HID. :param hand: which hand, left or right :returns: the y position """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getRawButton(self, button: int) -> bool: """Get the button value (starting at button 1). :param button: The button number to be read (starting at 1) :returns: The state of the button. """ return self.ds.getStickButton(self.port, button)
[docs] def getRawButtonPressed(self, button: int) -> bool: """Whether the button was pressed since the last check. Button indexes begin at 1. :param button: The button index, beginning at 1. :returns: Whether the button was pressed since the last check. .. versionadded:: 2018.0.0 """ return self.ds.getStickButtonPressed(self.port, button)
[docs] def getRawButtonReleased(self, button: int) -> bool: """Whether the button was released since the last check. Button indexes begin at 1. :param button: The button index, beginning at 1. :returns: Whether the button was released since the last check. .. versionadded:: 2018.0.0 """ return self.ds.getStickButtonReleased(self.port, button)
[docs] def getRawAxis(self, axis: int) -> float: """Get the raw axis. :param axis: index of the axis :returns: the raw value of the selected axis """ return self.ds.getStickAxis(self.port, axis)
[docs] def getPOV(self, pov: int = 0) -> int: """Get the angle in degrees of a POV on the HID. The POV angles start at 0 in the up direction, and increase clockwise (eg right is 90, upper-left is 315). :param pov: The index of the POV to read (starting at 0) :returns: the angle of the POV in degrees, or -1 if the POV is not pressed. """ return self.ds.getStickPOV(self.port, pov)
[docs] def getAxisCount(self) -> int: """Get the number of axes for the HID :returns: The number of axis for the current HID """ return self.ds.getStickAxisCount(self.port)
[docs] def getPOVCount(self) -> int: """For the current HID, return the number of POVs.""" return self.ds.getStickPOVCount(self.port)
[docs] def getButtonCount(self) -> int: """For the current HID, return the number of buttons.""" return self.ds.getStickButtonCount(self.port)
[docs] def getPort(self) -> int: """Get the port number of the HID. :returns: The port number of the HID. """ return self.port
[docs] def getType(self) -> HIDType: """Get the type of the HID. :returns: the type of the HID. """ return self.HIDType(self.ds.getJoystickType(self.port))
[docs] def getName(self) -> str: """Get the name of the HID. :returns: the name of the HID. """ return self.ds.getJoystickName(self.port)
[docs] def setOutput(self, outputNumber: int, value: bool) -> None: """Set a single HID output value for the HID. :param outputNumber: The index of the output to set (1-32) :param value: The value to set the output to """ self.outputs = (self.outputs & ~(1 << (outputNumber - 1))) | ((1 if value else 0) << (outputNumber - 1)) hal.setJoystickOutputs(self.port, self.outputs, self.leftRumble, self.rightRumble)
[docs] def setOutputs(self, value: int) -> None: """Set all HID output values for the HID. :param value: The 32 bit output value (1 bit for each output) """ self.outputs = value hal.setJoystickOutputs(self.port, self.outputs, self.leftRumble, self.rightRumble)
[docs] def setRumble(self, type: RumbleType, value: float) -> None: """Set the rumble output for the HID. The DS currently supports 2 rumble values, left rumble and right rumble. :param type: Which rumble value to set :param value: The normalized value (0 to 1) to set the rumble to """ if value < 0: value = 0 elif value > 1: value = 1 if type == self.RumbleType.kLeftRumble: self.leftRumble = int(value * 65535) else: self.rightRumble = int(value * 65535) hal.setJoystickOutputs(self.port, self.outputs, self.leftRumble, self.rightRumble)