Source code for wpilib.command.conditionalcommand

# validated: 2017-10-03 EN e1195e8b9dab edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/command/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2017 All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

from .command import Command
from .instantcommand import InstantCommand

__all__ = ['ConditionalCommand']

[docs]class ConditionalCommand(Command): """ A ConditionalCommand is a :class:`.Command` that starts one of two commands. A ConditionalCommand uses m_condition to determine whether it should run m_onTrue or m_onFalse. A ConditionalCommand adds the proper :class:`.Command` to the :class:`.Scheduler` during :meth:`initialize` and then :meth:`isFinished` will return true once that :class:`.Command` has finished executing. If no :class:`.Command` is specified for m_onFalse, the occurrence of that condition will be a no-op. @see :class:`.Command` @see :class:`.Scheduler` """ def __init__(self, name, onTrue=None, onFalse=None): """Creates a new ConditionalCommand with given name and onTrue and onFalse Commands. Users of this constructor should also override condition(). :param name: the name for this command group :param onTrue: The Command to execute if {@link ConditionalCommand#condition()} returns true :param onFalse: The Command to execute if {@link ConditionalCommand#condition()} returns false """ super().__init__(name) self.onTrue = onTrue self.onFalse = onFalse self.chosenCommand = None self.requireAll()
[docs] def requireAll(self): if self.onTrue is not None: for e in self.onTrue.getRequirements(): self.requires(e) if self.onFalse is not None: for e in self.onFalse.getRequirements(): self.requires(e)
[docs] def condition(self): """The Condition to test to determine which Command to run. :returns: true if m_onTrue should be run or false if m_onFalse should be run. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _initialize(self): ''' Calls condition() and runs the proper command. ''' if self.condition(): self.chosenCommand = self.onTrue else: self.chosenCommand = self.onFalse if self.chosenCommand is not None: # This is a hack to make cancelling the chosen command inside a CommandGroup work properly self.chosenCommand.clearRequirements() self.chosenCommand.start() def _cancel(self): if self.chosenCommand is not None and self.chosenCommand.isRunning(): self.chosenCommand.cancel() super()._cancel()
[docs] def isFinished(self): return self.chosenCommand is not None and self.chosenCommand.isRunning() and \ self.chosenCommand.isFinished()
[docs] def interrupted(self): if self.chosenCommand is not None and self.chosenCommand.isRunning(): self.chosenCommand.cancel() super().interrupted()