Source code for wpilib.command.command

# validated: 2017-12-16 EN f9bece2ffbf7 edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/command/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

from .scheduler import Scheduler
from ..robotstate import RobotState
from ..sendablebase import SendableBase
from ..timer import Timer
from networktables import NetworkTables

import threading

__all__ = ["Command"]

[docs]class Command(SendableBase): """The Command class is at the very core of the entire command framework. Every command can be started with a call to start(). Once a command is started it will call :meth:`initialize`, and then will repeatedly call :meth:`execute` until :meth:`isFinished` returns True. Once it does, :meth:`end` will be called. However, if at any point while it is running :meth:`cancel` is called, then the command will be stopped and :meth:`interrupted` will be called. If a command uses a :class:`.Subsystem`, then it should specify that it does so by calling the :meth:`requires` method in its constructor. Note that a Command may have multiple requirements, and :meth:`requires` should be called for each one. If a command is running and a new command with shared requirements is started, then one of two things will happen. If the active command is interruptible, then :meth:`cancel` will be called and the command will be removed to make way for the new one. If the active command is not interruptible, the other one will not even be started, and the active one will continue functioning. .. seealso:: :class:`.Subsystem`, :class:`.CommandGroup` """ def __init__(self, name=None, timeout=None): """Creates a new command. :param name: The name for this command; if unspecified or None, The name of this command will be set to its class name. :param timeout: The time (in seconds) before this command "times out". Default is no timeout. See isTimedOut(). """ super().__init__(False) self.mutex = threading.RLock() # The name of this command if name is None: name = self.__class__.__name__ self.setName(name) # The time (in seconds) before this command "times out" (or None if no # timeout) if timeout is not None and timeout < 0: raise ValueError("Timeout must not be negative") if timeout is None: timeout = -1.0 self.timeout = timeout # The time since this command was initialized self.startTime = None # Whether or not this command has been initialized self.initialized = False # The required subsystems. self.requirements = set() # Whether or not it is running self.running = False # Whether or not it is interruptible self.interruptible = True # Whether or not it has been canceled self.canceled = False # Whether or not it has been locked self.locked = False # Whether this command should run when the robot is disabled self.runWhenDisabled = False # The CommandGroup this is in self.parent = None
[docs] def setTimeout(self, seconds): """Sets the timeout of this command. :param seconds: the timeout (in seconds) :see: :meth:`isTimedOut` """ if seconds < 0: raise ValueError("Seconds must be positive.") with self.mutex: self.timeout = seconds
[docs] def timeSinceInitialized(self): """Returns the time since this command was initialized (in seconds). This function will work even if there is no specified timeout. :returns: the time since this command was initialized (in seconds). """ with self.mutex: if self.startTime is None: return 0 else: return Timer.getFPGATimestamp() - self.startTime
[docs] def requires(self, subsystem): """This method specifies that the given Subsystem is used by this command. This method is crucial to the functioning of the Command System in general. Note that the recommended way to call this method is in the constructor. :param subsystem: the :class:`.Subsystem` required """ with self.mutex: if self.locked: raise ValueError("Can not add new requirement to command") if subsystem is None: raise ValueError("Subsystem must not be None.") self.requirements.add(subsystem)
[docs] def removed(self): """Called when the command has been removed. This will call :meth:`interrupted` or :meth:`end`. """ with self.mutex: if self.initialized: if self.isCanceled(): self.interrupted() self._interrupted() else: self.end() self._end() self.initialized = False self.canceled = False self.running = False
[docs] def run(self): """The run method is used internally to actually run the commands. :returns: whether or not the command should stay within the Scheduler. """ with self.mutex: if not self.runWhenDisabled and self.parent is None and RobotState.isDisabled(): self.cancel() if self.isCanceled(): return False if not self.initialized: self.initialized = True self.startTiming() self._initialize() self.initialize() self._execute() self.execute() return not self.isFinished()
[docs] def initialize(self): """The initialize method is called the first time this Command is run after being started. """ pass
def _initialize(self): """A shadow method called before initialize().""" pass
[docs] def execute(self): """The execute method is called repeatedly until this Command either finishes or is canceled. """ pass
def _execute(self): """A shadow method called before execute().""" pass
[docs] def isFinished(self): """Returns whether this command is finished. If it is, then the command will be removed and end() will be called. It may be useful for a team to reference the isTimedOut() method for time-sensitive commands, or override TimedCommand. If you do not specify isFinished in your command, the command will only end if interrupted or canceled. If you want a command that executes only once and then ends, override InstantCommand. :returns: whether this command is finished. :see: :meth:`isTimedOut` :see: :class: `.TimedCommand` :see: :class: `.InstantCommand` """ return False
[docs] def end(self): """Called when the command ended peacefully. This is where you may want to wrap up loose ends, like shutting off a motor that was being used in the command. """ pass
def _end(self): """A shadow method called after end().""" pass
[docs] def interrupted(self): """Called when the command ends because somebody called cancel() or another command shared the same requirements as this one, and booted it out. This is where you may want to wrap up loose ends, like shutting off a motor that was being used in the command. Generally, it is useful to simply call the end() method within this method, as done here. """ self.end()
def _interrupted(self): """A shadow method called after interrupted().""" pass
[docs] def startTiming(self): """Called to indicate that the timer should start. This is called right before initialize() is, inside the run() method. """ with self.mutex: self.startTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp()
[docs] def isTimedOut(self): """Returns whether or not the :meth:`timeSinceInitialized` method returns a number which is greater than or equal to the timeout for the command. If there is no timeout, this will always return false. :returns: whether the time has expired """ with self.mutex: return (self.timeout != -1 and self.timeSinceInitialized() >= self.timeout)
[docs] def getRequirements(self): """Returns the requirements (as a set of Subsystems) of this command """ with self.mutex: return self.requirements.copy()
[docs] def lockChanges(self): """Prevents further changes from being made """ with self.mutex: self.locked = True
[docs] def setParent(self, parent): """Sets the parent of this command. No actual change is made to the group. :param parent: the parent """ with self.mutex: if self.parent is not None: raise ValueError("Can not give command to a command group after already being put in a command group") self.lockChanges() self.parent = parent
[docs] def isParented(self): """ Returns whether the command has a parent. :returns: True if the command has a parent. """ with self.mutex: return self.parent is not None
[docs] def clearRequirements(self): """Clears list of subsystem requirements. This is only used by :class:`.ConditionalCommand` so cancelling the chosen command works properly in :class:`.CommandGroup`. """ self.requirements.clear()
[docs] def start(self): """Starts up the command. Gets the command ready to start. Note that the command will eventually start, however it will not necessarily do so immediately, and may in fact be canceled before initialize is even called. """ with self.mutex: self.lockChanges() if self.parent is not None: raise ValueError("Can not start a command that is a part of a command group") Scheduler.getInstance().add(self)
[docs] def startRunning(self): """This is used internally to mark that the command has been started. The lifecycle of a command is: * :meth:`startRunning` is called. * :meth:`run` is called (multiple times potentially) * :meth:`removed` is called It is very important that :meth:`startRunning` and :meth:`removed` be called in order or some assumptions of the code will be broken. """ with self.mutex: self.running = True self.startTime = None
[docs] def isRunning(self): """Returns whether or not the command is running. This may return true even if the command has just been canceled, as it may not have yet called :meth:`interrupted`. :returns: whether or not the command is running """ with self.mutex: return self.running
[docs] def cancel(self): """This will cancel the current command. This will cancel the current command eventually. It can be called multiple times. And it can be called when the command is not running. If the command is running though, then the command will be marked as canceled and eventually removed. .. warning:: A command can not be canceled if it is a part of a :class:`.CommandGroup`, you must cancel the CommandGroup instead. """ if self.parent is not None: raise ValueError("Can not manually cancel a command in a command group") self._cancel()
def _cancel(self): """This works like cancel(), except that it doesn't throw an exception if it is a part of a command group. Should only be called by the parent command group. """ with self.mutex: if self.isRunning(): self.canceled = True
[docs] def isCanceled(self): """Returns whether or not this has been canceled. :returns: whether or not this has been canceled """ with self.mutex: return self.canceled
[docs] def isInterruptible(self): """Returns whether or not this command can be interrupted. :returns: whether or not this command can be interrupted """ with self.mutex: return self.interruptible
[docs] def setInterruptible(self, interruptible): """Sets whether or not this command can be interrupted. :param interruptible: whether or not this command can be interrupted """ with self.mutex: self.interruptible = interruptible
[docs] def doesRequire(self, system): """Checks if the command requires the given :class:`.Subsystem`. :param system: the system :returns: whether or not the subsystem is required, or False if given None. """ with self.mutex: return system in self.requirements
[docs] def getGroup(self): """Returns the :class:`.CommandGroup` that this command is a part of. Will return None if this Command is not in a group. :returns: the :class:`.CommandGroup` that this command is a part of (or None if not in group) """ with self.mutex: return self.parent
[docs] def setRunWhenDisabled(self, run): """Sets whether or not this {@link Command} should run when the robot is disabled. By default a command will not run when the robot is disabled, and will in fact be canceled. :param run: whether or not this command should run when the robot is disabled """ with self.mutex: self.runWhenDisabled = run
[docs] def willRunWhenDisabled(self): """Returns whether or not this Command will run when the robot is disabled, or if it will cancel itself. """ with self.mutex: return self.runWhenDisabled
def __str__(self): """The string representation for a Command is by default its name. :returns: the string representation of this object """ return self.getName()
[docs] def runningChanged(self, value): if value: if not self.isRunning(): self.start() else: if self.isRunning(): self.cancel()
[docs] def initSendable(self, builder): builder.setSmartDashboardType("Command") builder.addStringProperty(".name", self.getName, None) builder.addBooleanProperty("running", self.isRunning, self.runningChanged) builder.addBooleanProperty(".isParented", self.isParented, None)