Source code for wpilib.robotdrive

# validated: 2017-02-19 DS b573fb65552b athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal
import math
import warnings
import weakref

from .motorsafety import MotorSafety
from .talon import Talon

__all__ = ["RobotDrive"]

def _freeRobotDrive(allocatedSpeedControllers):
    Free the speed controllers if they were allocated locally
    for sc in allocatedSpeedControllers:
        if hasattr(sc, "free"):

[docs]class RobotDrive(MotorSafety): """Operations on a robot drivetrain based on a definition of the motor configuration. The robot drive class handles basic driving for a robot. Currently, 2 and 4 motor tank and mecanum drive trains are supported. In the future other drive types like swerve might be implemented. Motor channel numbers are passed supplied on creation of the class. Those are used for either the drive function (intended for hand created drive code, such as autonomous) or with the Tank/Arcade functions intended to be used for Operator Control driving. .. not_implemented: setupMotorSafety """
[docs] class MotorType: """The location of a motor on the robot for the purpose of driving.""" #: Front left kFrontLeft = 0 #: Front right kFrontRight = 1 #: Rear left kRearLeft = 2 #: Rear right kRearRight = 3
kDefaultExpirationTime = 0.1 kDefaultSensitivity = 0.5 kDefaultMaxOutput = 1.0 kMaxNumberOfMotors = 4 kArcadeRatioCurve_Reported = False kTank_Reported = False kArcadeStandard_Reported = False kMecanumCartesian_Reported = False kMecanumPolar_Reported = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor for RobotDrive. Either 2 or 4 motors can be passed to the constructor to implement a two or four wheel drive system, respectively. When positional arguments are used, these are the two accepted orders: - leftMotor, rightMotor - frontLeftMotor, rearLeftMotor, frontRightMotor, rearRightMotor Alternatively, the above names can be used as keyword arguments. Either channel numbers or motor controllers can be passed (determined by whether the passed object has a `set` function). If channel numbers are passed, the motorController keyword argument, if present, is the motor controller class to use; if unspecified, :class:`.Talon` is used. """ super().__init__() # keyword arguments self.frontLeftMotor = kwargs.pop("frontLeftMotor", None) self.rearLeftMotor = kwargs.pop("rearLeftMotor", None) self.frontRightMotor = kwargs.pop("frontRightMotor", None) self.rearRightMotor = kwargs.pop("rearRightMotor", None) if "leftMotor" in kwargs: self.rearLeftMotor = kwargs.pop("leftMotor") if "rightMotor" in kwargs: self.rearRightMotor = kwargs.pop("rightMotor") controllerClass = kwargs.pop("motorController", None) if controllerClass is None: controllerClass = Talon if kwargs: warnings.warn("unknown keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs.keys(), RuntimeWarning) # positional arguments if len(args) == 2: self.rearLeftMotor = args[0] self.rearRightMotor = args[1] elif len(args) == 4: self.frontLeftMotor = args[0] self.rearLeftMotor = args[1] self.frontRightMotor = args[2] self.rearRightMotor = args[3] elif len(args) != 0: raise ValueError("don't know how to handle %d positional arguments" % len(args)) self.allocatedSpeedControllers = list() # convert channel number into motor controller if needed if (self.frontLeftMotor is not None and not hasattr(self.frontLeftMotor, "set")): self.frontLeftMotor = controllerClass(self.frontLeftMotor) self.allocatedSpeedControllers.append(self.frontLeftMotor) if (self.rearLeftMotor is not None and not hasattr(self.rearLeftMotor, "set")): self.rearLeftMotor = controllerClass(self.rearLeftMotor) self.allocatedSpeedControllers.append(self.rearLeftMotor) if (self.frontRightMotor is not None and not hasattr(self.frontRightMotor, "set")): self.frontRightMotor = controllerClass(self.frontRightMotor) self.allocatedSpeedControllers.append(self.frontRightMotor) if (self.rearRightMotor is not None and not hasattr(self.rearRightMotor, "set")): self.rearRightMotor = controllerClass(self.rearRightMotor) self.allocatedSpeedControllers.append(self.rearRightMotor) # other defaults self.maxOutput = RobotDrive.kDefaultMaxOutput self.sensitivity = RobotDrive.kDefaultSensitivity # set up motor safety self.setExpiration(self.kDefaultExpirationTime) self.setSafetyEnabled(True) #Setup Finalizer self.__finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, _freeRobotDrive, self.allocatedSpeedControllers) # start off not moving, 0)
[docs] def drive(self, outputMagnitude, curve): """Drive the motors at "outputMagnitude" and "curve". Both outputMagnitude and curve are -1.0 to +1.0 values, where 0.0 represents stopped and not turning. ``curve < 0`` will turn left and ``curve > 0`` will turn right. The algorithm for steering provides a constant turn radius for any normal speed range, both forward and backward. Increasing m_sensitivity causes sharper turns for fixed values of curve. This function will most likely be used in an autonomous routine. :param outputMagnitude: The speed setting for the outside wheel in a turn, forward or backwards, +1 to -1. :param curve: The rate of turn, constant for different forward speeds. Set ``curve < 0`` for left turn or ``curve > 0`` for right turn. Set ``curve = e^(-r/w)`` to get a turn radius r for wheelbase w of your robot. Conversely, turn radius r = -ln(curve)*w for a given value of curve and wheelbase w. """ if not RobotDrive.kArcadeRatioCurve_Reported:, self.getNumMotors(), hal.UsageReporting.kRobotDrive_ArcadeRatioCurve) RobotDrive.kArcadeRatioCurve_Reported = True if curve < 0: value = math.log(-curve) ratio = (value - self.sensitivity) / (value + self.sensitivity) if ratio == 0: ratio = .0000000001 leftOutput = outputMagnitude / ratio rightOutput = outputMagnitude elif curve > 0: value = math.log(curve) ratio = (value - self.sensitivity) / (value + self.sensitivity) if ratio == 0: ratio = .0000000001 leftOutput = outputMagnitude rightOutput = outputMagnitude / ratio else: leftOutput = outputMagnitude rightOutput = outputMagnitude self.setLeftRightMotorOutputs(leftOutput, rightOutput)
[docs] def tankDrive(self, *args, **kwargs): """Provide tank steering using the stored robot configuration. Either two joysticks (with optional specified axis) or two raw values may be passed positionally, along with an optional squaredInputs boolean. The valid positional combinations are: - leftStick, rightStick - leftStick, rightStick, squaredInputs - leftStick, leftAxis, rightStick, rightAxis - leftStick, leftAxis, rightStick, rightAxis, squaredInputs - leftValue, rightValue - leftValue, rightValue, squaredInputs Alternatively, the above names can be used as keyword arguments. The behavior of mixes of keyword arguments in other than the combinations above is undefined. If specified positionally, the value and joystick versions are disambiguated by looking for a `getY` function. :param leftStick: The joystick to control the left side of the robot. :param leftAxis: The axis to select on the left side Joystick object (defaults to the Y axis if unspecified). :param rightStick: The joystick to control the right side of the robot. :param rightAxis: The axis to select on the right side Joystick object (defaults to the Y axis if unspecified). :param leftValue: The value to control the left side of the robot. :param rightValue: The value to control the right side of the robot. :param squaredInputs: Setting this parameter to True decreases the sensitivity at lower speeds. Defaults to True if unspecified. """ if not RobotDrive.kTank_Reported:, self.getNumMotors(), hal.UsageReporting.kRobotDrive_Tank) RobotDrive.kTank_Reported = True # keyword arguments leftStick = kwargs.pop("leftStick", None) rightStick = kwargs.pop("rightStick", None) leftAxis = kwargs.pop("leftAxis", None) rightAxis = kwargs.pop("rightAxis", None) leftValue = kwargs.pop("leftValue", None) rightValue = kwargs.pop("rightValue", None) squaredInputs = kwargs.pop("squaredInputs", None) if kwargs: warnings.warn("unknown keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs.keys(), RuntimeWarning) # positional arguments if len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 3: left, right = args[0:2] if len(args) == 3: squaredInputs = args[2] # determine if stick or value if hasattr(left, "getY"): leftStick = left else: leftValue = left if hasattr(right, "getY"): rightStick = right else: rightValue = right elif len(args) == 4: leftStick, leftAxis, rightStick, rightAxis = args elif len(args) == 5: leftStick, leftAxis, rightStick, rightAxis, squaredInputs = args elif len(args) != 0: raise ValueError("don't know how to handle %d positional arguments" % len(args)) # get value from stick if only stick provided if leftValue is None: if leftAxis is None: leftValue = leftStick.getY() else: leftValue = leftStick.getRawAxis(leftAxis) if rightValue is None: if rightAxis is None: rightValue = rightStick.getY() else: rightValue = rightStick.getRawAxis(rightAxis) # default to squared inputs if unspecified if squaredInputs is None: squaredInputs = True # square the inputs (while preserving the sign) to increase fine # control while permitting full power leftValue = RobotDrive.limit(leftValue) rightValue = RobotDrive.limit(rightValue) if squaredInputs: if leftValue >= 0.0: leftValue = (leftValue * leftValue) else: leftValue = -(leftValue * leftValue) if rightValue >= 0.0: rightValue = (rightValue * rightValue) else: rightValue = -(rightValue * rightValue) self.setLeftRightMotorOutputs(leftValue, rightValue)
[docs] def arcadeDrive(self, *args, **kwargs): """Provide tank steering using the stored robot configuration. Either one or two joysticks (with optional specified axis) or two raw values may be passed positionally, along with an optional squaredInputs boolean. The valid positional combinations are: - stick - stick, squaredInputs - moveStick, moveAxis, rotateStick, rotateAxis - moveStick, moveAxis, rotateStick, rotateAxis, squaredInputs - moveValue, rotateValue - moveValue, rotateValue, squaredInputs Alternatively, the above names can be used as keyword arguments. The behavior of mixes of keyword arguments in other than the combinations above is undefined. If specified positionally, the value and joystick versions are disambiguated by looking for a `getY` function on the stick. :param stick: The joystick to use for Arcade single-stick driving. The Y-axis will be selected for forwards/backwards and the X-axis will be selected for rotation rate. :param moveStick: The Joystick object that represents the forward/backward direction. :param moveAxis: The axis on the moveStick object to use for forwards/backwards (typically Y_AXIS). :param rotateStick: The Joystick object that represents the rotation value. :param rotateAxis: The axis on the rotation object to use for the rotate right/left (typically X_AXIS). :param moveValue: The value to use for forwards/backwards. :param rotateValue: The value to use for the rotate right/left. :param squaredInputs: Setting this parameter to True decreases the sensitivity at lower speeds. Defaults to True if unspecified. """ if not RobotDrive.kArcadeStandard_Reported:, self.getNumMotors(), hal.UsageReporting.kRobotDrive_ArcadeStandard) RobotDrive.kArcadeStandard_Reported = True # keyword arguments stick = kwargs.pop("stick", None) moveStick = kwargs.pop("moveStick", None) rotateStick = kwargs.pop("rotateStick", None) moveAxis = kwargs.pop("moveAxis", None) rotateAxis = kwargs.pop("rotateAxis", None) moveValue = kwargs.pop("moveValue", None) rotateValue = kwargs.pop("rotateValue", None) squaredInputs = kwargs.pop("squaredInputs", None) if kwargs: warnings.warn("unknown keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs.keys(), RuntimeWarning) # positional arguments if len(args) == 1: stick = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: # determine if stick or value if hasattr(args[0], "getY"): stick, squaredInputs = args else: moveValue, rotateValue = args elif len(args) == 3: moveValue, rotateValue, squaredInputs = args elif len(args) == 4: moveStick, moveAxis, rotateStick, rotateAxis = args elif len(args) == 5: moveStick, moveAxis, rotateStick, rotateAxis, squaredInputs = args elif len(args) != 0: raise ValueError("don't know how to handle %d positional arguments" % len(args)) # get value from stick if only stick provided if moveValue is None: if moveStick is None: moveValue = stick.getY() else: moveValue = moveStick.getRawAxis(moveAxis) if rotateValue is None: if rotateStick is None: rotateValue = stick.getX() else: rotateValue = rotateStick.getRawAxis(rotateAxis) # default to squared inputs if unspecified if squaredInputs is None: squaredInputs = True # local variables to hold the computed PWM values for the motors moveValue = RobotDrive.limit(moveValue) rotateValue = RobotDrive.limit(rotateValue) if squaredInputs: # square the inputs (while preserving the sign) to increase fine # control while permitting full power if moveValue >= 0.0: moveValue = (moveValue * moveValue) else: moveValue = -(moveValue * moveValue) if rotateValue >= 0.0: rotateValue = (rotateValue * rotateValue) else: rotateValue = -(rotateValue * rotateValue) if moveValue > 0.0: if rotateValue > 0.0: leftMotorSpeed = moveValue - rotateValue rightMotorSpeed = max(moveValue, rotateValue) else: leftMotorSpeed = max(moveValue, -rotateValue) rightMotorSpeed = moveValue + rotateValue else: if rotateValue > 0.0: leftMotorSpeed = -max(-moveValue, rotateValue) rightMotorSpeed = moveValue + rotateValue else: leftMotorSpeed = moveValue - rotateValue rightMotorSpeed = -max(-moveValue, -rotateValue) self.setLeftRightMotorOutputs(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed)
[docs] def mecanumDrive_Cartesian(self, x, y, rotation, gyroAngle): """Drive method for Mecanum wheeled robots. A method for driving with Mecanum wheeled robots. There are 4 wheels on the robot, arranged so that the front and back wheels are toed in 45 degrees. When looking at the wheels from the top, the roller axles should form an X across the robot. This is designed to be directly driven by joystick axes. :param x: The speed that the robot should drive in the X direction. [-1.0..1.0] :param y: The speed that the robot should drive in the Y direction. This input is inverted to match the forward == -1.0 that joysticks produce. [-1.0..1.0] :param rotation: The rate of rotation for the robot that is completely independent of the translation. [-1.0..1.0] :param gyroAngle: The current angle reading from the gyro. Use this to implement field-oriented controls. """ if not RobotDrive.kMecanumCartesian_Reported:, self.getNumMotors(), hal.UsageReporting.kRobotDrive_MecanumCartesian) RobotDrive.kMecanumCartesian_Reported = True xIn = x yIn = y # Negate y for the joystick. yIn = -yIn # Compenstate for gyro angle. xIn, yIn = RobotDrive.rotateVector(xIn, yIn, gyroAngle) wheelSpeeds = [0]*self.kMaxNumberOfMotors wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontLeft] = xIn + yIn + rotation wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontRight] = -xIn + yIn - rotation wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearLeft] = -xIn + yIn + rotation wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearRight] = xIn + yIn - rotation RobotDrive.normalize(wheelSpeeds) self.frontLeftMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontLeft] * self.maxOutput) self.frontRightMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontRight] * self.maxOutput) self.rearLeftMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearLeft] * self.maxOutput) self.rearRightMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearRight] * self.maxOutput) self.feed()
[docs] def mecanumDrive_Polar(self, magnitude, direction, rotation): """Drive method for Mecanum wheeled robots. A method for driving with Mecanum wheeled robots. There are 4 wheels on the robot, arranged so that the front and back wheels are toed in 45 degrees. When looking at the wheels from the top, the roller axles should form an X across the robot. :param magnitude: The speed that the robot should drive in a given direction. :param direction: The direction the robot should drive in degrees. The direction and maginitute are independent of the rotation rate. :param rotation: The rate of rotation for the robot that is completely independent of the magnitute or direction. [-1.0..1.0] """ if not RobotDrive.kMecanumPolar_Reported:, self.getNumMotors(), hal.UsageReporting.kRobotDrive_MecanumPolar) RobotDrive.kMecanumPolar_Reported = True # Normalized for full power along the Cartesian axes. magnitude = RobotDrive.limit(magnitude) * math.sqrt(2.0) # The rollers are at 45 degree angles. dirInRad = math.radians(direction + 45.0) cosD = math.cos(dirInRad) sinD = math.sin(dirInRad) wheelSpeeds = [0]*self.kMaxNumberOfMotors wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontLeft] = sinD * magnitude + rotation wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontRight] = cosD * magnitude - rotation wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearLeft] = cosD * magnitude + rotation wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearRight] = sinD * magnitude - rotation RobotDrive.normalize(wheelSpeeds) self.frontLeftMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontLeft] * self.maxOutput) self.frontRightMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kFrontRight] * self.maxOutput) self.rearLeftMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearLeft] * self.maxOutput) self.rearRightMotor.set(wheelSpeeds[self.MotorType.kRearRight] * self.maxOutput) self.feed()
[docs] def holonomicDrive(self, magnitude, direction, rotation): """Holonomic Drive method for Mecanum wheeled robots. This is an alias to :func:`mecanumDrive_Polar` for backward compatibility. :param magnitude: The speed that the robot should drive in a given direction. [-1.0..1.0] :param direction: The direction the robot should drive. The direction and magnitude are independent of the rotation rate. :param rotation: The rate of rotation for the robot that is completely independent of the magnitude or direction. [-1.0..1.0] """ self.mecanumDrive_Polar(magnitude, direction, rotation)
[docs] def setLeftRightMotorOutputs(self, leftOutput, rightOutput): """Set the speed of the right and left motors. This is used once an appropriate drive setup function is called such as twoWheelDrive(). The motors are set to "leftSpeed" and "rightSpeed" and includes flipping the direction of one side for opposing motors. :param leftOutput: The speed to send to the left side of the robot. :param rightOutput: The speed to send to the right side of the robot. """ if self.rearLeftMotor is None or self.rearRightMotor is None: raise ValueError("Null motor provided") leftOutput = RobotDrive.limit(leftOutput) * self.maxOutput rightOutput = RobotDrive.limit(rightOutput) * self.maxOutput if self.frontLeftMotor is not None: self.frontLeftMotor.set(leftOutput) self.rearLeftMotor.set(leftOutput) if self.frontRightMotor is not None: self.frontRightMotor.set(-rightOutput) self.rearRightMotor.set(-rightOutput) self.feed()
[docs] def limit(num): """Limit motor values to the -1.0 to +1.0 range.""" if num > 1.0: return 1.0 if num < -1.0: return -1.0 return num
[docs] def normalize(wheelSpeeds): """Normalize all wheel speeds if the magnitude of any wheel is greater than 1.0. """ maxMagnitude = max(abs(x) for x in wheelSpeeds) if maxMagnitude > 1.0: for i in range(len(wheelSpeeds)): wheelSpeeds[i] = wheelSpeeds[i] / maxMagnitude
[docs] def rotateVector(x, y, angle): """Rotate a vector in Cartesian space.""" angle = math.radians(angle) cosA = math.cos(angle) sinA = math.sin(angle) return (x * cosA - y * sinA), (x * sinA + y * cosA)
[docs] def setInvertedMotor(self, motor, isInverted): """Invert a motor direction. This is used when a motor should run in the opposite direction as the drive code would normally run it. Motors that are direct drive would be inverted, the drive code assumes that the motors are geared with one reversal. :param motor: The motor index to invert. :param isInverted: True if the motor should be inverted when operated. """ if motor == self.MotorType.kFrontLeft: self.frontLeftMotor.setInverted(isInverted) elif motor == self.MotorType.kFrontRight: self.frontRightMotor.setInverted(isInverted) elif motor == self.MotorType.kRearLeft: self.rearLeftMotor.setInverted(isInverted) elif motor == self.MotorType.kRearRight: self.rearRightMotor.setInverted(isInverted) else: raise ValueError("Invalid motor type specified")
[docs] def setSensitivity(self, sensitivity): """Set the turning sensitivity. This only impacts the drive() entry-point. :param sensitivity: Effectively sets the turning sensitivity (or turn radius for a given value) """ self.sensitivity = sensitivity
[docs] def setMaxOutput(self, maxOutput): """Configure the scaling factor for using RobotDrive with motor controllers in a mode other than PercentVbus. :param maxOutput: Multiplied with the output percentage computed by the drive functions. """ self.maxOutput = maxOutput
[docs] def free(self): self.__finalizer() self.frontLeftMotor = None self.frontRightMotor = None self.rearLeftMotor = None self.rearRightMotor = None self.allocatedSpeedControllers = list() self.setSafetyEnabled(False)
[docs] def getDescription(self): return "Robot Drive"
[docs] def stopMotor(self): if self.frontLeftMotor is not None: self.frontLeftMotor.stopMotor() if self.frontRightMotor is not None: self.frontRightMotor.stopMotor() if self.rearLeftMotor is not None: self.rearLeftMotor.stopMotor() if self.rearRightMotor is not None: self.rearRightMotor.stopMotor() self.feed()
[docs] def getNumMotors(self): motors = 0 if self.frontLeftMotor is not None: motors += 1 if self.frontRightMotor is not None: motors += 1 if self.rearLeftMotor is not None: motors += 1 if self.rearRightMotor is not None: motors += 1 return motors