Source code for wpilib.controllerpower

# validated: 2015-12-24 DS 6d854af athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal

__all__ = ['ControllerPower']

[docs]class ControllerPower: """Provides access to power levels on the roboRIO""" @staticmethod
[docs] def getInputVoltage(): """ Get the input voltage to the robot controller :returns: The controller input voltage value in Volts :rtype: float """ return hal.getVinVoltage()
[docs] def getInputCurrent(): """ Get the input current to the robot controller :returns: The controller input current value in Amps :rtype: float """ return hal.getVinCurrent()
[docs] def getVoltage3V3(): """ Get the voltage of the 3.3V rail :returns: The controller 3.3V rail voltage value in Volts :rtype: float """ return hal.getUserVoltage3V3()
[docs] def getCurrent3V3(): """ Get the current output of the 3.3V rail :returns: The controller 3.3V rail output current value in Amps :rtype: float """ return hal.getUserCurrent3V3()
[docs] def getEnabled3V3(): """ Get the enabled state of the 3.3V rail. The rail may be disabled due to a controller brownout, a short circuit on the rail, or controller over-voltage :returns: True if enabled, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return hal.getUserActive3V3();
[docs] def getFaultCount3V3(): """ Get the count of the total current faults on the 3.3V rail since the controller has booted :returns: The number of faults :rtype: int """ return hal.getUserCurrentFaults3V3()
[docs] def getVoltage5V(): """ Get the voltage of the 5V rail :returns: The controller 5V rail voltage value in Volts :rtype: float """ return hal.getUserVoltage5V()
[docs] def getCurrent5V(): """ Get the current output of the 5V rail :returns: The controller 5V rail output current value in Amps :rtype: float """ return hal.getUserCurrent5V()
[docs] def getEnabled5V(): """ Get the enabled state of the 5V rail. The rail may be disabled due to a controller brownout, a short circuit on the rail, or controller over-voltage :returns: True if enabled, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return hal.getUserActive5V()
[docs] def getFaultCount5V(): """ Get the count of the total current faults on the 5V rail since the controller has booted :returns: The number of faults :rtype: int """ return hal.getUserCurrentFaults5V()
[docs] def getVoltage6V(): """ Get the voltage of the 6V rail :returns: The controller 6V rail voltage value in Volts :rtype: float """ return hal.getUserVoltage6V()
[docs] def getCurrent6V(): """ Get the current output of the 6V rail :returns: The controller 6V rail output current value in Amps :rtype: float """ return hal.getUserCurrent6V()
[docs] def getEnabled6V(): """ Get the enabled state of the 6V rail. The rail may be disabled due to a controller brownout, a short circuit on the rail, or controller over-voltage :returns: True if enabled, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return hal.getUserActive6V()
[docs] def getFaultCount6V(): """ Get the count of the total current faults on the 6V rail since the controller has booted :returns: The number of faults :rtype: int """ return hal.getUserCurrentFaults6V()