Source code for wpilib.xboxcontroller

import hal
from .driverstation import DriverStation
from .interfaces.gamepadbase import GamepadBase
from wpilib.interfaces.generichid import GenericHID

[docs]class XboxController(GamepadBase): """ GenericHID.Handle input from Xbox 360 or Xbox One controllers connected to the Driver Station. This class handles Xbox input that comes from the Driver Station. Each time a value is requested the most recent value is returend. There is a single class instance for each controller and the mapping of ports to hardware buttons depends on the code in the Driver Station. """ def __init__(self, port): """Construct an instance of an XBoxController. The XBoxController index is the USB port on the Driver Station. :param port: The port on the Driver Station that the joystick is plugged into """ super().__init__(port) self.ds = DriverStation.getInstance() self.outputs = 0 self.leftRumble = 0 self.rightRumble = 0, port)
[docs] def getX(self, hand): """Get the X axis value of the controller. :param hand: Side of controller whose value should be returned :return: The X axis value of the controller :rtype: float """ if hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft: return self.getRawAxis(0) else: return self.getRawAxis(4)
[docs] def getY(self, hand): """Get the Y axis value of the controller. :param hand: Side of controller whose value should be returned :return: The Y axis value of the controller :rtype: float """ if hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft: return self.getRawAxis(1) else: return self.getRawAxis(5)
[docs] def getRawAxis(self, axis): """Get the value of the axis :param axis: The axis to read, starting at 0 :return: The value of the axis :rtype: float """ return self.ds.getStickAxis(self.port, axis)
[docs] def getBumper(self, hand): """Read the values of the bumper button on the controller. :param hand: Side of controller whose value should be returned. :return: The state of the button :rtype: boolean """ if hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft: return self.getRawButton(5) else: return self.getRawButton(6)
[docs] def getRawButton(self, button): """Get the buttom value (starting at button 1) :param button: The button number to be read (starting at 1) :return: The state of the button :rtype: boolean """ return self.ds.getStickButton(self.port, button)
[docs] def getTriggerAxis(self, hand): """Get the trigger axis value of the controller. :param hand: Side of controller whose value should be returned :return: The trigger axis value of the controller :rtype: float """ if hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft: return self.getRawAxis(2) else: return self.getRawAxis(3)
[docs] def getAButton(self): """Read the value of the A button on the controller :return: The state of the A button :rtype: boolean """ return self.getRawButton(1)
[docs] def getBButton(self): """Read the value of the B button on the controller :return: The state of the B button :rtype: boolean """ return self.getRawButton(2)
[docs] def getXButton(self): """Read the value of the X button on the controller :return: The state of the X button :rtype: boolean """ return self.getRawButton(3)
[docs] def getYButton(self): """Read the value of the Y button on the controller :return: The state of the Y button :rtype: boolean """ return self.getRawButton(4)
[docs] def getStickButton(self, hand): """Read the values of the stick button on the controller :param hand: Side of the controller whose value should be returned :return: The state of the button :rtype: boolean """ if hand == GenericHID.Hand.kLeft: return self.getRawButton(9) else: return self.getRawButton(10)
[docs] def getBackButton(self): """Read the value of the back button on the controller :return: The state of the back button :rtype: boolean """ return self.getRawButton(7)
[docs] def getStartButton(self): """Read the value of the start button on the controller :return: The state of the start button :rtype: boolean """ return self.getRawButton(8)
[docs] def getPOV(self, pov): return self.ds.getStickPOV(self.port, pov)
[docs] def getPOVCount(self): return self.ds.getPOVCount(self.port)
[docs] def getType(self): return self.ds.getJoystickType(self.port)
[docs] def getName(self): return self.ds.getJoystickName(self.port)
[docs] def setOutput(self, outputNumber, value): self.outputs = ((self.outputs & ~(1 << (outputNumber - 1))) | ((1 if value else 0) << (outputNumber - 1))) hal.setJoystickOutputs(self.port, self.outputs, self.leftRumble, self.rightRumble)
[docs] def setOutputs(self, value): self.outputs = value hal.setJoystickOutputs(self.port, self.outputs, self.leftRumble, self.rightRumble)
[docs] def setRumble(self, type_, value): if value < 0: value = 0 if value > 1: value = 1 if type_ == GenericHID.RumbleType.kLeftRumble: self.leftRumble = int(value * 65535) else: self.rightRumble = int(value * 65535) print(self.rightRumble) hal.setJoystickOutputs( self.port, self.outputs, self.leftRumble, self.rightRumble)