Source code for wpilib.sensorbase

# validated: 2016-01-07 DS 6faa51f shared/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

from .livewindowsendable import LiveWindowSendable

__all__ = ["SensorBase"]

[docs]class SensorBase(LiveWindowSendable): # TODO: Refactor """Base class for all sensors Stores most recent status information as well as containing utility functions for checking channels and error processing. """ # TODO: Move this to the HAL #: Ticks per microsecond kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond = 40 #: Number of digital channels per roboRIO kDigitalChannels = 26 #: Number of analog input channels kAnalogInputChannels = 8 #: Number of analog output channels kAnalogOutputChannels = 2 #: Number of solenoid channels per module kSolenoidChannels = 8 #: Number of solenoid modules kSolenoidModules = 2 #: Number of PWM channels per roboRIO kPwmChannels = 20 #: Number of relay channels per roboRIO kRelayChannels = 4 #: Number of power distribution channels kPDPChannels = 16 #: Number of power distribution channels kPDPModules = 63 #: Default solenoid module defaultSolenoidModule = 0 @staticmethod
[docs] def setDefaultSolenoidModule(moduleNumber): """Set the default location for the Solenoid module. :param moduleNumber: The number of the solenoid module to use. """ SensorBase.checkSolenoidModule(moduleNumber) SensorBase.defaultSolenoidModule = moduleNumber
[docs] def checkSolenoidModule(moduleNumber): """Verify that the solenoid module is correct. :param moduleNumber: The solenoid module module number to check. """ pass
[docs] def checkDigitalChannel(channel): """Check that the digital channel number is valid. Verify that the channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kDigitalChannels: raise IndexError("Requested digital channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkRelayChannel(channel): """Check that the digital channel number is valid. Verify that the channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kRelayChannels: raise IndexError("Requested relay channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkPWMChannel(channel): """Check that the digital channel number is valid. Verify that the channel number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kPwmChannels: raise IndexError("Requested PWM channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkAnalogInputChannel(channel): """Check that the analog input number is value. Verify that the analog input number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kAnalogInputChannels: raise IndexError("Requested analog input channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkAnalogOutputChannel(channel): """Check that the analog input number is value. Verify that the analog input number is one of the legal channel numbers. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kAnalogOutputChannels: raise IndexError("Requested analog output channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkSolenoidChannel(channel): """Verify that the solenoid channel number is within limits. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kSolenoidChannels: raise IndexError("Requested solenoid channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkPDPChannel(channel): """Verify that the power distribution channel number is within limits. Channel numbers are 0-based. :param channel: The channel number to check. """ if channel < 0 or channel >= SensorBase.kPDPChannels: raise IndexError("Requested PDP channel number %d is out of range." % channel)
[docs] def checkPDPModule(module): """Verify that the power distribution module number is within limits. Module numbers are 0-based. :param module: The module number to check. """ if module < 0 or module >= SensorBase.kPDPModules: raise IndexError("Requested PDP module number %d is out of range." % module)
[docs] def getDefaultSolenoidModule(): """Get the number of the default solenoid module. :returns: The number of the default solenoid module. """ return SensorBase.defaultSolenoidModule
[docs] def free(self): """Free the resources used by this object""" # TODO: delete? pass