Source code for wpilib.command.waituntilcommand

# validated: 2016-01-09 AG 26d101c shared/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/command/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

from .command import Command

from ..timer import Timer

__all__ = ["WaitUntilCommand"]

[docs]class WaitUntilCommand(Command): """ This will wait until the game clock reaches some value, then continue to the next command. """ def __init__(self, time): super().__init__("WaitUntil(%s)" % time) self.time = time
[docs] def isFinished(self): # Check if we've reached the actual finish time. return Timer.getMatchTime() >= self.time