Source code for wpilib.livewindow

from networktables import NetworkTable
from .command import Scheduler

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["LiveWindow"]

class _LiveWindowComponent:
    """A LiveWindow component is a device (sensor or actuator) that should be
    added to the SmartDashboard in test mode. The components are cached until
    the first time the robot enters Test mode. This allows the components to
    be inserted, then renamed."""
    def __init__(self, subsystem, name, isSensor):
        self.subsystem = subsystem = name
        self.isSensor = isSensor

class LiveWindow:
[docs] """The public interface for putting sensors and actuators on the LiveWindow.""" sensors = set() #actuators = set() components = {} livewindowTable = None statusTable = None liveWindowEnabled = False firstTime = True @staticmethod def _reset(): LiveWindow.sensors = set() LiveWindow.components = {} LiveWindow.livewindowTable = None LiveWindow.statusTable = None LiveWindow.liveWindowEnabled = False LiveWindow.firstTime = True @staticmethod def initializeLiveWindowComponents():
[docs] """Initialize all the LiveWindow elements the first time we enter LiveWindow mode. By holding off creating the NetworkTable entries, it allows them to be redefined before the first time in LiveWindow mode. This allows default sensor and actuator values to be created that are replaced with the custom names from users calling addActuator and addSensor. """"Initializing the components first time") LiveWindow.livewindowTable = NetworkTable.getTable("LiveWindow") LiveWindow.statusTable = LiveWindow.livewindowTable.getSubTable("~STATUS~") for component, c in LiveWindow.components.items():"Initializing table for '%s' '%s'" % (c.subsystem, LiveWindow.livewindowTable.getSubTable(c.subsystem).putString("~TYPE~", "LW Subsystem") table = LiveWindow.livewindowTable.getSubTable(c.subsystem).getSubTable( table.putString("~TYPE~", component.getSmartDashboardType()) table.putString("Name", table.putString("Subsystem", c.subsystem) component.initTable(table) if c.isSensor: LiveWindow.sensors.add(component) @staticmethod
def setEnabled(enabled):
[docs] """Set the enabled state of LiveWindow. If it's being enabled, turn off the scheduler and remove all the commands from the queue and enable all the components registered for LiveWindow. If it's being disabled, stop all the registered components and reenable the scheduler. TODO: add code to disable PID loops when enabling LiveWindow. The commands should reenable the PID loops themselves when they get rescheduled. This prevents arms from starting to move around, etc. after a period of adjusting them in LiveWindow mode. """ if LiveWindow.liveWindowEnabled != enabled: if enabled:"Starting live window mode.") if LiveWindow.firstTime: LiveWindow.initializeLiveWindowComponents() LiveWindow.firstTime = False Scheduler.getInstance().disable() Scheduler.getInstance().removeAll() for component in LiveWindow.components.keys(): component.startLiveWindowMode() else:"Stopping live window mode.") for component in LiveWindow.components.keys(): component.stopLiveWindowMode() Scheduler.getInstance().enable() LiveWindow.liveWindowEnabled = enabled LiveWindow.statusTable.putBoolean("LW Enabled", enabled) @staticmethod
def run():
[docs] """The run method is called repeatedly to keep the values refreshed on the screen in test mode. """ LiveWindow.updateValues() @staticmethod
def addSensor(subsystem, name, component):
[docs] """Add a Sensor associated with the subsystem and with call it by the given name. :param subsystem: The subsystem this component is part of. :param name: The name of this component. :param component: A LiveWindowSendable component that represents a sensor. """ LiveWindow.components[component] = \ _LiveWindowComponent(subsystem, name, True) LiveWindow.sensors.add(component) @staticmethod
def addActuator(subsystem, name, component):
[docs] """Add an Actuator associated with the subsystem and with call it by the given name. :param subsystem: The subsystem this component is part of. :param name: The name of this component. :param component: A LiveWindowSendable component that represents a actuator. """ LiveWindow.components[component] = \ _LiveWindowComponent(subsystem, name, False) @staticmethod
def updateValues():
[docs] """Puts all sensor values on the live window.""" # TODO: gross - needs to be sped up for lws in LiveWindow.sensors: lws.updateTable() # TODO: Add actuators? # TODO: Add better rate limiting. @staticmethod
def addSensorChannel(moduleType, channel, component):
[docs] """Add Sensor to LiveWindow. The components are shown with the type and channel like this: Gyro[0] for a gyro object connected to the first analog channel. :param moduleType: A string indicating the type of the module used in the naming (above) :param channel: The channel number the device is connected to :param component: A reference to the object being added """ LiveWindow.addSensor("Ungrouped", "%s[%s]" % (moduleType, channel), component) @staticmethod
def addActuatorChannel(moduleType, channel, component):
[docs] """Add Actuator to LiveWindow. The components are shown with the module type, slot and channel like this: Servo[0,2] for a servo object connected to the first digital module and PWM port 2. :param moduleType: A string that defines the module name in the label for the value :param channel: The channel number the device is plugged into (usually PWM) :param component: The reference to the object being added """ LiveWindow.addActuator("Ungrouped", "%s[%s]" % (moduleType, channel), component) @staticmethod
def addActuatorModuleChannel(moduleType, moduleNumber, channel, component):
[docs] """Add Actuator to LiveWindow. The components are shown with the module type, slot and channel like this: Servo[0,2] for a servo object connected to the first digital module and PWM port 2. :param moduleType: A string that defines the module name in the label for the value :param moduleNumber: The number of the particular module type :param channel: The channel number the device is plugged into (usually PWM) :param component: The reference to the object being added """ LiveWindow.addActuator( "Ungrouped", "%s[%s,%s]" % (moduleType, moduleNumber, channel), component)