Source code for wpilib.digitalglitchfilter

# validated: 2015-12-28 DS 4881795 athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2015. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in $(WIND_BASE)/WPILib.

import hal
import threading

from .digitalsource import DigitalSource
from .encoder import Encoder
from .counter import Counter
from .sensorbase import SensorBase

__all__ = ['DigitalGlitchFilter']

[docs]class DigitalGlitchFilter(SensorBase): ''' Class to enable glitch filtering on a set of digital inputs. This class will manage adding and removing digital inputs from a FPGA glitch filter. The filter lets the user configure the time that an input must remain high or low before it is classified as high or low. ''' mutex = threading.Lock() filterAllocated = [False]*3 def __init__(self): self.channelIndex = -1 with self.mutex: for i, v in enumerate(self.filterAllocated): if not v: self.channelIndex = i self.filterAllocated[i] = True hal.HALReport(hal.HALUsageReporting.kResourceType_DigitalFilter, self.channelIndex, 0) break else: raise ValueError("No more filters available")
[docs] def free(self): if self.channelIndex >= 0: with self.mutex: self.filterAllocated[self.channelIndex] = False self.channelIndex = -1
@staticmethod def _setFilter(input, channelIndex): if input is not None: # Counter might have just one input hal.setFilterSelect(input.port, channelIndex) selected = hal.getFilterSelect(input.port) if selected != channelIndex: raise ValueError('setFilterSelect(%s) failed -> %s' % (channelIndex, selected))
[docs] def add(self, input): ''' Assigns the :class:`.DigitalSource`, :class:`.Encoder`, or :class:`.Counter` to this glitch filter. :param input: Object to add ''' if isinstance(input, DigitalSource): DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input, self.channelIndex + 1) elif isinstance(input, Encoder): DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.aSource, self.channelIndex + 1) DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.bSource, self.channelIndex + 1) elif isinstance(input, Counter): DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.upSource, self.channelIndex + 1) DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.downSource, self.channelIndex + 1) else: raise ValueError("Cannot add %s to glitch filter" % input)
[docs] def remove(self, input): ''' Removes this filter from the given input object ''' if isinstance(input, DigitalSource): DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input, 0) elif isinstance(input, Encoder): DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.aSource, 0) DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.bSource, 0) elif isinstance(input, Counter): DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.upSource, 0) DigitalGlitchFilter._setFilter(input.downSource, 0) else: raise ValueError("Cannot remove %s from glitch filter" % input)
[docs] def setPeriodCycles(self, fpga_cycles): ''' Sets the number of FPGA cycles that the input must hold steady to pass through this glitch filter. :param fpga_cycles: The number of FPGA cycles. ''' hal.setFilterPeriod(self.channelIndex, fpga_cycles)
[docs] def setPeriodNanoSeconds(self, nanoseconds): ''' Sets the number of nanoseconds that the input must hold steady to pass through this glitch filter. :param nanoseconds: The number of nanoseconds. ''' fpga_cycles = int(nanoseconds * self.kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond / 4 / 1000) self.setPeriodCycles(fpga_cycles)
[docs] def getPeriodCycles(self): ''' Gets the number of FPGA cycles that the input must hold steady to pass through this glitch filter. :returns: The number of cycles. ''' return hal.getFilterPeriod(self.channelIndex)
[docs] def getPeriodNanoSeconds(self): ''' Gets the number of nanoseconds that the input must hold steady to pass through this glitch filter. :returns: The number of nanoseconds. ''' fpga_cycles = self.getPeriodCycles() return fpga_cycles * 1000 / (self.kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond / 4)