Source code for wpilib.i2c

# validated: 2016-01-01 DS 4b04073 athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal
import warnings
import weakref

__all__ = ["I2C"]

def _freeI2C(port):

[docs]class I2C: """I2C bus interface class. This class is intended to be used by sensor (and other I2C device) drivers. It probably should not be used directly. Example usage:: i2c = wpilib.I2C(wpilib.I2C.Port.kOnboard, 4) # Write bytes 'text', and receive 4 bytes in data data = i2c.transaction(b'text', 4) """
[docs] class Port: kOnboard = 0 kMXP = 1
def __init__(self, port, deviceAddress, simPort=None): """Constructor. :param port: The I2C port the device is connected to. :param deviceAddress: The address of the device on the I2C bus. :param simPort: This must be an object that implements all of the i2c* functions from hal_impl that you use. See ```` for an example. """ if hal.HALIsSimulation(): if simPort is None: # If you want more functionality, implement your own mock from hal_impl.i2c_helpers import I2CSimBase simPort = I2CSimBase() msg = "Using stub simulator for I2C port %s" % port warnings.warn(msg) # Just check for basic functionality assert hasattr(simPort, 'i2CInitialize') assert hasattr(simPort, 'i2CClose') self._port = (simPort, port) else: self._port = port self.deviceAddress = deviceAddress hal.i2CInitialize(self._port) self.__finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, _freeI2C, self._port) hal.HALReport(hal.HALUsageReporting.kResourceType_I2C, deviceAddress) @property def port(self): if not self.__finalizer.alive: raise ValueError("Cannot use i2c port after free() has been called") return self._port
[docs] def free(self): self.__finalizer()
[docs] def transaction(self, dataToSend, receiveSize): """Generic transaction. This is a lower-level interface to the I2C hardware giving you more control over each transaction. :param dataToSend: Data to send as part of the transaction. :type dataToSend: iterable of bytes :param receiveSize: Number of bytes to read from the device. [0..7] :type receiveSize: int :returns: Data received from the device. :rtype: iterable of bytes """ return hal.i2CTransaction(self.port, self.deviceAddress, dataToSend, receiveSize)
[docs] def addressOnly(self): """Attempt to address a device on the I2C bus. This allows you to figure out if there is a device on the I2C bus that responds to the address specified in the constructor. :returns: Transfer Aborted... False for success, True for aborted. """ try: self.transaction([], 0) except IOError: return True return False
[docs] def write(self, registerAddress, data): """Execute a write transaction with the device. Write a single byte to a register on a device and wait until the transaction is complete. :param registerAddress: The address of the register on the device to be written. :param data: The byte to write to the register on the device. :returns: Transfer Aborted... False for success, True for aborted. """ try: hal.i2CWrite(self.port, self.deviceAddress, [registerAddress, data]) except IOError: return True return False
[docs] def writeBulk(self, data): """Execute a write transaction with the device. Write multiple bytes to a register on a device and wait until the transaction is complete. :param data: The data to write to the device. :type data: iterable of bytes :returns: Transfer Aborted... False for success, True for aborted. Usage:: # send byte string failed = spi.writeBulk(b'stuff') # send list of integers failed = spi.write([0x01, 0x02]) """ try: hal.i2CWrite(self.port, self.deviceAddress, data) except IOError: return True return False
[docs] def read(self, registerAddress, count): """Execute a read transaction with the device. Read bytes from a device. Most I2C devices will auto-increment the register pointer internally allowing you to read consecutive registers on a device in a single transaction. :param registerAddress: The register to read first in the transaction. :param count: The number of bytes to read in the transaction. :returns: The data read from the device. :rtype: iterable of bytes """ if count < 1: raise ValueError("count must be at least 1, %s given" % count) return self.transaction([registerAddress], count)
[docs] def readOnly(self, count): """Execute a read only transaction with the device. Read bytes from a device. This method does not write any data to prompt the device. :param count: The number of bytes to read in the transaction. :returns: The data read from the device. :rtype: iterable of bytes """ if count < 1: raise ValueError("count must be at least 1, %s given" % count) return hal.i2CRead(self.port, self.deviceAddress, count)
[docs] def broadcast(self, registerAddress, data): """Send a broadcast write to all devices on the I2C bus. .. warning:: This is not currently implemented! :param registerAddress: The register to write on all devices on the bus. :param data: The value to write to the devices. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def verifySensor(self, registerAddress, expected): """Verify that a device's registers contain expected values. Most devices will have a set of registers that contain a known value that can be used to identify them. This allows an I2C device driver to easily verify that the device contains the expected value. The device must support and be configured to use register auto-increment. :param registerAddress: The base register to start reading from the device. :param expected: The values expected from the device. :returns: True if the sensor was verified to be connected """ # TODO: Make use of all 7 read bytes count = len(expected) for i in range(0, count, 4): toRead = 4 if (count - i) < 4: toRead = count - i # Read the chunk of data. Return False if the sensor does not # respond. try: deviceData =, toRead) except IOError: return False for j in range(toRead): if deviceData[j] != expected[i + j]: return False registerAddress += count return True