Source code for wpilib.pwm

# validated: 2015-12-22 DS de39877 athena/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/
# Copyright (c) FIRST 2008-2014. All Rights Reserved.
# Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code
# must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of
# the project.

import hal
import weakref

from .livewindowsendable import LiveWindowSendable
from .resource import Resource
from .sensorbase import SensorBase

__all__ = ["PWM"]

def _freePWM(port):
    hal.setPWM(port, 0)

[docs]class PWM(LiveWindowSendable): """Raw interface to PWM generation in the FPGA. The values supplied as arguments for PWM outputs range from -1.0 to 1.0. They are mapped to the hardware dependent values, in this case 0-2000 for the FPGA. Changes are immediately sent to the FPGA, and the update occurs at the next FPGA cycle. There is no delay. As of revision 0.1.10 of the FPGA, the FPGA interprets the 0-2000 values as follows: - 2000 = full "forward" - 1999 to 1001 = linear scaling from "full forward" to "center" - 1000 = center value - 999 to 2 = linear scaling from "center" to "full reverse" - 1 = minimum pulse width (currently .5ms) - 0 = disabled (i.e. PWM output is held low) kDefaultPwmPeriod is the 1x period (5.05 ms). In hardware, the period scaling is implemented as an output squelch to get longer periods for old devices. - 20ms periods (50 Hz) are the "safest" setting in that this works for all devices - 20ms periods seem to be desirable for Vex Motors - 20ms periods are the specified period for HS-322HD servos, but work reliably down to 10.0 ms; starting at about 8.5ms, the servo sometimes hums and get hot; by 5.0ms the hum is nearly continuous - 10ms periods work well for Victor 884 - 5ms periods allows higher update rates for Luminary Micro Jaguar speed controllers. Due to the shipping firmware on the Jaguar, we can't run the update period less than 5.05 ms. .. not_implemented: initPWM """
[docs] class PeriodMultiplier: """Represents the amount to multiply the minimum servo-pulse pwm period by. """ k1X = 1 k2X = 2 k4X = 4 #: the default PWM period measured in ms.
kDefaultPwmPeriod = 5.05 #: the PWM range center in ms kDefaultPwmCenter = 1.5 #: the number of PWM steps below the centerpoint kDefaultPwmStepsDown = 1000 #: the value to use to disable kPwmDisabled = 0 def __init__(self, channel): """Allocate a PWM given a channel. :param channel: The PWM channel number. 0-9 are on-board, 10-19 are on the MXP port :type channel: int """ SensorBase.checkPWMChannel(channel) = channel self._port = hal.initializeDigitalPort(hal.getPort(channel)) if not hal.allocatePWMChannel(self._port): raise IndexError("PWM channel %d is already allocated" % channel) # Need this to free on unit test wpilib reset Resource._add_global_resource(self) hal.setPWM(self._port, 0) self.__finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, _freePWM, self._port) self.eliminateDeadband = False hal.HALReport(hal.HALUsageReporting.kResourceType_PWM, channel) @property def port(self): if not self.__finalizer.alive: raise ValueError("Cannot use channel after free() has been called") return self._port
[docs] def free(self): """Free the PWM channel. Free the resource associated with the PWM channel and set the value to 0. """ self.__finalizer()
[docs] def enableDeadbandElimination(self, eliminateDeadband): """Optionally eliminate the deadband from a speed controller. :param eliminateDeadband: If True, set the motor curve on the Jaguar to eliminate the deadband in the middle of the range. Otherwise, keep the full range without modifying any values. :type eliminateDeadband: bool """ self.eliminateDeadband = eliminateDeadband
[docs] def setBounds(self, max, deadbandMax, center, deadbandMin, min): """Set the bounds on the PWM pulse widths. This sets the bounds on the PWM values for a particular type of controller. The values determine the upper and lower speeds as well as the deadband bracket. :param max: The max PWM pulse width in ms :type max: float :param deadbandMax: The high end of the deadband range pulse width in ms :type deadbandMax: float :param center: The center (off) pulse width in ms :type center: float :param deadbandMin: The low end of the deadband pulse width in ms :type deadbandMin: float :param min: The minimum pulse width in ms :type min: float """ loopTime = hal.getLoopTiming()/(SensorBase.kSystemClockTicksPerMicrosecond*1e3) self.maxPwm = int((max-self.kDefaultPwmCenter)/loopTime+self.kDefaultPwmStepsDown-1) self.deadbandMaxPwm = int((deadbandMax-self.kDefaultPwmCenter)/loopTime+self.kDefaultPwmStepsDown-1) self.centerPwm = int((center-self.kDefaultPwmCenter)/loopTime+self.kDefaultPwmStepsDown-1) self.deadbandMinPwm = int((deadbandMin-self.kDefaultPwmCenter)/loopTime+self.kDefaultPwmStepsDown-1) self.minPwm = int((min-self.kDefaultPwmCenter)/loopTime+self.kDefaultPwmStepsDown-1)
[docs] def getChannel(self): """Gets the channel number associated with the PWM Object. :returns: The channel number. :rtype: int """ return
[docs] def setPosition(self, pos): """Set the PWM value based on a position. This is intended to be used by servos. .. note:: :func:`setBounds` must be called first. :param pos: The position to set the servo between 0.0 and 1.0. :type pos: float """ if pos < 0.0: pos = 0.0 elif pos > 1.0: pos = 1.0 rawValue = int(pos * self.getFullRangeScaleFactor() + self.getMinNegativePwm()) # send the computed pwm value to the FPGA self.setRaw(rawValue)
[docs] def getPosition(self): """Get the PWM value in terms of a position. This is intended to be used by servos. .. note:: :func:`setBounds` must be called first. :returns: The position the servo is set to between 0.0 and 1.0. :rtype: float """ value = self.getRaw() if value < self.getMinNegativePwm(): return 0.0 elif value > self.getMaxPositivePwm(): return 1.0 else: return float(value - self.getMinNegativePwm()) / self.getFullRangeScaleFactor()
[docs] def setSpeed(self, speed): """Set the PWM value based on a speed. This is intended to be used by speed controllers. .. note:: :func:`setBounds` must be called first. :param speed: The speed to set the speed controller between -1.0 and 1.0. :type speed: float """ # clamp speed to be in the range 1.0 >= speed >= -1.0 if speed < -1.0: speed = -1.0 elif speed > 1.0: speed = 1.0 # calculate the desired output pwm value by scaling the speed # appropriately if speed == 0.0: rawValue = self.getCenterPwm() elif speed > 0.0: rawValue = int(speed * self.getPositiveScaleFactor() + self.getMinPositivePwm() + 0.5) else: rawValue = int(speed * self.getNegativeScaleFactor() + self.getMaxNegativePwm() + 0.5) # send the computed pwm value to the FPGA self.setRaw(rawValue)
[docs] def getSpeed(self): """Get the PWM value in terms of speed. This is intended to be used by speed controllers. .. note:: :func:`setBounds` must be called first. :returns: The most recently set speed between -1.0 and 1.0. :rtype: float """ value = self.getRaw() if value > self.getMaxPositivePwm(): return 1.0 elif value < self.getMinNegativePwm(): return -1.0 elif value > self.getMinPositivePwm(): return float(value - self.getMinPositivePwm()) / self.getPositiveScaleFactor() elif value < self.getMaxNegativePwm(): return float(value - self.getMaxNegativePwm()) / self.getNegativeScaleFactor() else: return 0.0
[docs] def setRaw(self, value): """Set the PWM value directly to the hardware. Write a raw value to a PWM channel. :param value: Raw PWM value. Range 0 - 255. :type value: int """ hal.setPWM(self.port, value)
[docs] def getRaw(self): """Get the PWM value directly from the hardware. Read a raw value from a PWM channel. :returns: Raw PWM control value. Range: 0 - 255. :rtype: int """ return hal.getPWM(self.port)
[docs] def setPeriodMultiplier(self, mult): """Slow down the PWM signal for old devices. :param mult: The period multiplier to apply to this channel :type mult: PWM.PeriodMultiplier """ if mult == PWM.PeriodMultiplier.k4X: # Squelch 3 out of 4 outputs hal.setPWMPeriodScale(self.port, 3) elif mult == PWM.PeriodMultiplier.k2X: # Squelch 1 out of 2 outputs hal.setPWMPeriodScale(self.port, 1) elif mult == PWM.PeriodMultiplier.k1X: # Don't squelch any outputs hal.setPWMPeriodScale(self.port, 0) else: raise ValueError("Invalid mult argument '%s'" % mult)
[docs] def setZeroLatch(self): hal.latchPWMZero(self.port)
[docs] def getMaxPositivePwm(self): return self.maxPwm
[docs] def getMinPositivePwm(self): if self.eliminateDeadband: return self.deadbandMaxPwm else: return self.centerPwm + 1
[docs] def getCenterPwm(self): return self.centerPwm
[docs] def getMaxNegativePwm(self): if self.eliminateDeadband: return self.deadbandMinPwm else: return self.centerPwm - 1
[docs] def getMinNegativePwm(self): return self.minPwm
[docs] def getPositiveScaleFactor(self): """Get the scale for positive speeds.""" return self.getMaxPositivePwm() - self.getMinPositivePwm()
[docs] def getNegativeScaleFactor(self): """Get the scale for negative speeds.""" return self.getMaxNegativePwm() - self.getMinNegativePwm()
[docs] def getFullRangeScaleFactor(self): """Get the scale for positions.""" return self.getMaxPositivePwm() - self.getMinNegativePwm() # Live Window code, only does anything if live window is activated.
def getSmartDashboardType(self): return "Speed Controller" def updateTable(self): table = self.getTable() if table is not None: table.putNumber("Value", self.getSpeed()) def valueChanged(self, itable, key, value, bln): self.setSpeed(float(value)) def startLiveWindowMode(self): self.setSpeed(0) # Stop for safety super().startLiveWindowMode() def stopLiveWindowMode(self): super().stopLiveWindowMode() self.setSpeed(0) # Stop for safety